the nine tails and the twins

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Tell me If I miss pronounced words or spelled them wrong never been the best speller and that's why im doing this is to get better at it

In the hidden leaf village all you could hear is screams of terror and crying of children and buildings being smashed by non other then the nine taild demon fox.

There was an older man named hiruzen sarutobi he was standing on a building with a staff he yelled out " we have to get the nine tails out of the village and wait for the forth hokage"as hiruzen the 3rd hokage pushed the monster know as the nine tailed demon fox out of his home konoha with a great staff that could expand. Back in the village you could see a midle aged shinobi telling a much younger kunoichi to stay out of the fight the older man said "kurenai you are much you young to be out here trying to throw your life away" "but father I want to help pertect my home" the older man looked at here with a knowing look but put on a sturn face and said "this is a battle for the older generation it is are Job to keep the younger generation alive and well" the last thing she ever hear from her father was "go now!"

As she arrived up on the safe house she could know get a good look at how much destruction the nine tails did she was in shock but she was broken out of her shock when she looked back to see a red head blue eyed boy no older than just 5 and a half this was naruto the forth hokages fist born she chuckled a little when she saw him in his pajamas witch was a shuriken pattern and the boy also had a white shirt on with a uzumaki swirling on the back the boy was holding a teddy bare in his right hand and was letting out a couple of tears  kurenai picked up the boy

she was standing next to asuma sarutobi the son of the 3rd hokage and Kakashi hatake all of them saw a big toad the toad was a little bit smaller than the nine tails but was still bigger than all the buildings around that's when kurenai saw the massive slug the slug was not much taller than the toad Kakashi smiled" hey naruto look who has arrived on there summons" naruto looked out and could sense the 3 powerful people out there then he said "it's grandpa Jiraiya and grandma Tsunade and old man 3rd"


"Jiraiya tsunade" the elderly 3rd hokage yelled "we have to keep the nine tails out of the village until Minato is Here am I understood" Jiraiya and Tsunade just noded there head and then Jiraiya said" were is Minato at a time like this" hiruzen said in a low whisper" I have no idea were the young hokage is" that's when all of the sudden  the nine tails disappeared


Naruto saw the fox disappear then naruto said" the fox is near mother and father" they looked at him and were in shock all three of them were thinking the same thing he's a sensor "naruto" Kakashi asked "how do you know that the nine tails is by your mother and father" naruto looked at them and said "I don't know big brother Kakashi I can just feel them and it feels like mommy is hurt" naruto was trying to get out of kurenais grasp but couldn't"let me go I have to go help mommy she's hurt"

Before the twins it was very rare to see naruto away from his mom but when she got pregnant with the twins naruto changed he was always helping his mother do things like wash the dishes helper make food and he would even talk to the twin when his mother was laying down Minato new that naruto was gonna be a good big brother because naruto didn't get jealous of the twins quite the opposite he was happy to have some younger siblings


Minato arrived with the nine tails kushina quickly let her chakra chain out they wrapped around the nine tails and held him there Minato quickly sumond an alter to put mito on she was a blonde baby with strips of blood red hair like her older brothers and mother's hair  she was crying mainly because of the fox roaring lucky for the young couple Tsunade Jiraiya and Hiruzen arrived to help them Tsunade quickly started healing kushina Tsunade was surprised to see the young lady standing kushina was doing much better because of Tsunade she's finally found some strength after she had the nine tails ripped out of her and giving birth to two babies Minato Jiraiya and hiruzen started working on sealing the fox all of them new it was gonna be hard for little mito but she had her father mother older brother and her twin to help protect her form the evils of the world when the sealing was done kushina passed out from all she has been through little mito was safe in her father's arms" kushina" Minato yelled as he used his justu to teleport to his wife catching her in his othere arm that was free Tsunade grabbed the red head and said "I need her to jet to the hospital and bring the two babies I need to check on them to" Minato was holding mito and itama mito was named after the first hokages wife mito uzumaki and itama is named after the first and second hokages younger brother who died before the leaf village was made


Kushina was laying in the bed while hiruzen was holding itama he was a blonde boy same sun-kissed blonde as his father and had blue eyes just like naruto and Minato but the boy was asleep Tsunade was holding mito mito was gurgling in happiness as Tsunade made another face at her

Kushina woke up and saw her little baby's one was gurgling happily and the other was asleep but she shot up and said "were is my little naruto "as she tried to get out of bed Minato said "calm down kushina he's fine I heard he with Kakashi asuma and kurenai "
She still tried to get up but they heard a nock at the door

Jiraiya opened it and saw a red headed boy with blue eyes Jiraiya smiled at the boy "well kushina its your lucky day I found him" kushina was happy to see her son after the attack she laid back down othe the hospital bed naruto asked "were are my siblings kassan are they alright " everyone in the room laughed "well naruto their just fine do you want to hold one of them" Minato said naruto shook his head up and down not wanting to wake the blonde headed baby up from its deep slumber

Naruto sat down on a chair and Tsunade gave naruto his little sister and Tsunade said her name is mito and you little brothers name is itama naruto noded his he in an understanding way

That's the end of chapter on hope you guys liked it hope to get chapter 2 out soon. Gonna try to get every chapter atlest to 1 thousands words

Bye tell next time

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