first steps to greatness

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Naruto walked to the academy today was his last day at the academy he was gonna be a ninja if he past all the tests

Naruto saw itachi walking towards him " hey itachi are you ready to become a ninja" naruto asked " I've been ready for a long time" itachi said with a smirk " well some is confident about graduating" shisui said appearing out of nowhere itachi jumped " don't sneak up on me shisui" itachi said calming down as the boys walked throw the gates of the academy

They walked in the classroom and like everyothere time they were the first ones there. All the othere kids started filling in the seats. The academy teacher walked in and said " let the tests begin" as he called the first person down naruto zoned out waiting for hus name to be called

" naruto it's your turn" the academy instructor said as naruto walked his way down the path and stood infant of the instructors " ok naruto performed the henge" naruto transformed into hiruzen sarutobi " ok naruto do the substitution Justu" naruto substituted with a chair in the room and then substituted back into the center of the room" alright the last one do the clone jutsu naruto" naruto put his fingers in a cross and said " shadow clone jutsu" they were shocked to see 30 narutos standing in front of them they thought itachi and shisui did great but this blew them out of the water " alright naruto grab a head band" naruto walked up about to grabe a blue one but then saw this all black one he chose the all black one and put it in his pocket as he walked out going g up and sitting next to itachi a d shisui who were wearing thier head bands " why aren't you wearing you head band naruto"  shisui asked " don't feel like flashing it out to everyone" naruto said " alright listen up were are going to be naming the teams as naruto zoned out aging until his name was called " team 11 shisui uchiha, itachi uchiha, and naruto uzumaki namikaze that is all come back in three days to be picked up by your jonin senseis" the academy Instructor said as everyone got up and went outside to celebrate with their parents.

naruto looked around and saw hiruzen waiting for him hae, mikoto mikoto was holding hiyori as the boys went thier separate ways to their mothers and naruto went to hiruzen "naruto I have something to give you" hiruzen said " what is it gramps" naruto asked as hiruzen pulled out a sword with a red diamond partner on it and the sheath was all black as naruto pulled it out it was black on top fading into a crimson red " I had some from iron country make this special sword for you so you can get rid of that othere one. The man also said it was his best work" hiruzen said " it cool and it feels perfect in my hands like I was meant to welid this blade" naruto said " I'm glad you like it how about he go and celebrate" hiruzen said but saw Narutos said face " what's wrong naruto" hiruzen asked " well I thought my parents were gonna be here they have been really including me in stuff lately but I still feel distant from them they don't ignore me but they don't show up to Important things anymore" Naruto said walking with hiruzen. Hiruzen thought that thing were back to normal but after the spare between the 3 prodigy's he noticed that they still forgot about naruto sometimes but then again kushina did just have a another kid And this one was just like kushina

Hiruzen sat down with naruto at the Ramen stand" naruto I'm proud of you you've came so far from the young boy you use to be" hiruzen said " thank you gramps" naruto said still having a sad look on his face " naruto your mother just had another daughter so her time is all going to have to go to her for right now" hiruzen said " I know gramps but I thought I would be atleast a little more notice able in thier eyes" naruto said " I bet when Naomi grows up a little more she will be able to take care of you " hiruzen said " well gramps I'm just happy that my mom and dad haven't forgotten about itama and mito. I don't want them feeling like I did so long ago i would even take on more neglect just so they could be happy " naruto said hiruzen was looking at the boy in amazement knowing that the boy meant what he said. knowing that naruto would take on any amount of neglect just to see his siblings happy. Hiruzen was smiling naruto you are something else as the two ate 

" naruto what are you gonna name your sword" hiruzen asked as naruto said " Maken" hiruzens eye brow raised " why demon sword" hiruzen asked " because this is the sword that is going to kill all the demons in this world and cleans it" naruto said " naruto that is a good goal and a good name" hiruzen said as he said " follow me"

Hiruzen brought naruto to a training ground and pulled out his own sword " let me see how skill you are in kenjutsu " as naruto pulled the sword out ow his sheath that was strapped to his back the two ran at each other naruto swung his sword down as hiruzen blocked it and this went on for thirty minutes as hiruzen got the user hand and triped naruto and pointed his sword right at his face " you did well for not have a proper sword style " hiruzen said " well I can't seem to find a sword style that matches my movements" naruto said  " well naruto let's call it a day and maybe i can try and find a sword style for you " hiruzen said as naruto nodded as the two went home


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