the way of the blade

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" you have done 53 D rank missions well done" Minato said with a look of aprovel

" I can't stand this anymore give us a C rank missions" naruto said he did not want to be doing these stupid chores anymore

" I don't know you kids are still young " hiruzen said he didn't want to throw these children into the honors of the ninja world

" I agree with naruto we can get any experience if you don't let us have e the chance to gain that experience" itachi said not wanting to rot away in this village

" I became a ninja to fight for are village not just to sit here doing nothing" shisui said

" it's up to your sensei to decide whether you are ready for a C rank missions or not" Minato said as everyone there looked at shikaku

" they were ready for a C rank missions the first day we were a team " shikaku said smiling at his three students

" very well than here is a C rank missions it is an escort missions to get Takeshi to iron country" Minato said " you are all dismissed except naruto" Minato said wanting to talk to his son

" naruto please be careful" Minato said " I will hokage sama" naruto said with no emotion and walked out Minato was sitting there it paided him so see naruto so cold its all because I was not there when he needed me the most thought Minato " don't put to much thought in it Minato" hiruzen said putting his hand on Minatos back

_______________the gate________________

" why did hokage sama ask you to stay behind" shisui asked

" he just wanted to tell me to be safe" naruto said looking at shikaku and tossed him a scroll

" what's this" shisui ask confusion writer all over his face

" it's a storage scroll you moron" itachi said not believing that his teamate was this stupid

"Hey your moms are here" naruto said looking at mikoto and hae walking twords them

Hae grabbed shisui " be safe out there and make sure to watch your back" hae said while giving her son a hug

Mikoto huge itachi " don't be a foolish always look underneath the underneath"

Naruto watch this he was sad why couldn't his mom come and see him good bye why was he so cursed why couldn't his mother love him like his siblings why couldn't he have a mom like shisui or itachi he turn around and started to walk away

Hae and mikoto saw this and wondered where kushina was wasn't she gonna see her son off on their first mission out side of the village " naruto make sure you stay safe and come back to us safe and sound " mikoto said naruto stopped walking " yeah make sure you safe out there" hae added naruto looked back with his sharingan activated his 3 tome were sping " thank you anty mikoto and hae" as he continued to walk the trail with shikaku

___________3 hour's later______________

They were walking as naruto felt some chakra signatures around them they were about low genin level chakra as he signaled his team of his findings they were all on gared now how many asked itachi about 5 naruto answer and there closing in fast get read they surrounded Takeshi one of the thugs jumped at naruto naruto kicked him in the stomach and in a flash naruto cut of his head with his sword as another jumped at him he sliced the man in half naruto was now in the middle of the man one of the rushed at shisui. Shisui quickly sliced the man on the chest with his tanto and jumped back next to itachi itachi already took down his guy he stabed him in the heart with his kunia as shikaku killed the last one

Naruto fell to his knees throwing up on seeing there was organs and every thing shisui and itachi did have it as worse they didn't have thier enemies blood all over thier body's they were all shaken up. It's better that this happened on shuch an easy mission otherwise they wold be dead right now they need to get threw this shikaku thought as they walked all the way to iron contry

They got to iron country they went strait to mifune he was like the hokage but not he was the town mayor. Naruto heard stories from grampa hiruzen of mifune hiruzen said he was a master swords man . He is widely renowned as a master of Iai a style of swordsmanship which involves the user rapidly unsheathing his blade to slash the enemies, and then re-sheathing it after completing the attack.

Naruto knew this man would be able to help him find a sword style and help him along the journey of mastering it it was gonna take time but naruto was determined to master his sword no mater the cost he would master it to protect his siblings and the village from any danger. This was another one of his dream was to be able to protect his family and loved ones

" naruto this place would be great for you to learn a sword style in" shisui said bring naruto out of his thoughts

" shisui right this would be a perfect place to find a sword style" itachi said

" that's the plan meet some that can teach me a sword style or give me a scroll" naruto said

" you will most likely be given a scroll and taught a couple of things before we leave" shikaku said as he nocked on the door to go in

" come in" mifune said from behind the door

" aaah it's the konoha shinobi. Did you bring Takeshi back" mifune asked

" we did mifune sama" shikaku said

Mifune noticed the three boys they looked quite you to be shinobi but then again they probably are stronger than most swords man here he also noticed that they don't really look that well and not all their

Shikaku stated to walk out " hold on shikaku " mifune said shikaku turned around you three go wait out said. The three boys walked out. "What's with them looking so lost and sad" mifune asked as shikaku said " first kills" " the boy with blonde hair looked the wort out of all three of them" mifune said " it might be more trauma from his firt kill resurfacing and plus it doesn't help when you have guts all over you for several hours" shikaku said " I see well you should stay here there is a storm rolling in and it will be quite cold up here in the mountains so it's better you don't travel" mifune said " thank you mifune sama" shikaku said and then walked out.


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