spare between prodigy's

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Naruto wakes up the next day and walkes down to tue table to see mito and itama siting with their father and kushina was just sitting down at the table " hope I'm not late to breakfast" naruto said as kushina swong around and sent the chair flying " when did you get out of the hospital" kushina asked running over to him checking him to make sure he was ok " I woke up last night" naruto said " I'm supized tsunade let you out so fast" Minato said " well I kinda snuck out" Naruto said and kushina said " you need to go back and get a check up to see if everything is alright" " mom I think I'm ok plus tsunade taught me how to do medical ninjutsu " naruto said Minato raised his eyebrow and asked" when did she teach you that" " well probably a year and a half ago" naruto answer " so she traind you " Minato asked " yea kinda on the weekends I would train with hiruzen shizune and tusnada when they had free time and on the week ends I traind with itachi and shisui" Naruto said as he sat down they were supized they had know idea of what was going on in his life all they knew was that he was very strong

"Ok I'm out of here " naruto said " big brother can I come with you " mito asked " can I come to " itama asked " I don't see why not im just going to the hospital " naruto sais "sweet" mito said " I'll be coming with you and then after you check up I gonna take the twin shopping with me " kushina said they all walked out and mito jumped on narutos back " giddy up big brother " mito said as naruto pumped chakra into his legs and took of twords the hospital jumping up on the roof tops " weeeeeweeee" mito screamed out as they landed before the doors

Itachi and shisui were coming to check up on naruto to see him land on the ground with his little sister on his back " hey naruto" shisui waved at him "hey shisui and itachi" naruto said " how you doing" itachi asked " I'm doing great" naruto said " good enough for a spare against us" shisui asked with a smirk " I've more then ready to test your new eyes" naruto exclaimed with a smirk of his own " if I'm not wrong there's a training ground beside the hospital" shisui said The boys walked over to the train ground naruto set down mito and said "go stand over there mito" " okay big brother " as she skipped over to were naruto pointed


Kushina was walking with itama as she saw two of her frind " hae and mikoto its nice to see you two" kushina said " hey kushina it's also nice to see you but by any chance have you seen shisui or itachi" hae asked " no I haven't why" kushina asked " well we were gonna go shopping and then sushi and itachi disappeared " mikoto said " well maby there gonna go see naruto at the hospital " hae said " naruto is awake he was at the house but he dlhas to get a check up because he snuck out of the hospital at night" kushina said " it seems that we're all doing the same thing too" kushina added "how so" hae asked " well after narutos check up I was gonna drag him along to go shopping and it seems you guys had the same idea" kushina said " mommy is this the tomato lady you and auntie were talking about" sasuke said mikoto and hae laugh " yes sasuke this is the tomato lady we were talking about" hae said " I see now my mommy dose kinda look like a tomato " itama says as itama stated to talk to sasuke about little kid stuff

When they got to the hospital they saw mito sitting on a bench watching something the group of five walked over o ce they walked past the corner they saw itachi and shisui with their sharingans activated. They were standing against naruto as they asked mito what was happening " well big brother is gonna have a spare against shisui and itachi I don't think it's fair because big brother is fighting against two people" mito answer them " well your big brother is strong he has a decent chance against them even shisui and itachi said when yhey team up against naruto its still hard to bring him down and they even said that they think naruto is holding back" kushina said hae looked at her and asked " did the really say that" kushina just noded


A leaf landed on the ground and all three of the shot at each other naruto swinging his right fist at itachi as itachi jumped backwards as shisui came in from the side with his tanto coming down on naruto as naruto grabbed out a kunai and blocked his slice and and naruto grabbed another kunai and held both kunai in a reverse grip as he kicked shisui away as now itachi and shisui were on opposite sides of naruto as both uchiha ran in itachi grabbeding his tanto as both uchiha swung down thier tanto and thier tanto connected to narutos kunai as naruto kicked itachi in the stomach and jumped up a swung around shisui blade barley dogging it and when to slice shisui but shisui pulled his tanto back blocking narutos strick and the two were fighting at high chunin speeds as naruto flipped back throwing the one kunai at shisui and the othere at itachi they both dodged and the noticed the explosion tag on the as they jumped back as naruto came flying in with his sword


They were all amazed as at how the boys were fighting they were definitely strong " big brother is so strong sometimes I can't even see them move and i cant believe that shisui and itachi can match hin in strength" itama said " this is going to be a good match" hiruzen said " hiruzen I didn't notice you were their" kushina said " well I was just strolling threw the village and and I'm glad I did I get to see a good spare and it even seems to have attracted some attention to it " hiruzen saying looking around at some chunin and jonin watching and some civilians coming to watch the fight


Naruto pushed itachi back before he had to doge a fire ball justu from shisui as itachi jumped to shisui as they both nodded and went threw the hand sign of the fire style fir ball justu at the same time naruto went threw the signs for the water wall justu as the fire balls crashed I to the water wall it made a large amount of mist going all around the three " your sharingan is practically useless in this mist but since I'm a sensor I can see you just fine" naruto said as shisui and itachi went back to back as naruto appeared beside them all you could here out side of the mist was metal clanging against each othere as the mist started to clear as they all saw naruto stabed throw the stomach by shisui blade as it fell of his sword and fell to the ground he thought that he killed one of his friends as it puffed away as they were both pulled through the ground as two naruto popped out ponting his sword in both thier face " what do you think of my creations it's called the perfect clone it's memories transferres information to me after it is expeld just l8ke the shadow clone but it will go until I dispel it or you kill it like a normal person the only bad thing about it is that you have to have alot of chakra to do it I can only make 7 right know before I run out of chakra and I have 4 times of chakra then the hokage " naruto said as he helped shisui and itachi out and Tsunade came and grabbed naruto by the ear " first you sneak out of the hospital and then have a fight right beside it" and then looked at the othere two "you three are coming with me to get a check up" tsunade said as the boys were doing the walk of shame

" what a fight" asuma said " indeed that was a nice spare" might guy said " to think naruto can take on two of the uchihas prodigy's at the same time" Kakashi said " my student is very strong but I didn't think that he was this strong" hiruzen said as everyone looked at him " now it all makes since" kurenai said " I traind him up to genin level it seems that the three of them have been pushing each other too get stronger" hiruzen said " are you saying that the three of them traind each other" asuma said " that's the only logical explanation " hiruzen said " I don't know what your talking about but I want to be just like big brother" mito said with determination in her eyes " I don't know mito I would rather be like shisui did you see how he used his tanto" itama said " I would rather be like my big brother did you see how itachi knew exactly how to help shisui" as the three argued about who was better as the the hear naruto get back here as naruto shisui and itachi jumped out of a window and landed on a roof and then disappeared the three mothers shook thier head as the took the three kids to go shopping


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