the fiist day of the academy

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After meeting his first friends around his age we was much happier and they didn't treated him like the 4th hokage son and let him win in every spare he had to actually try against them

Naruto was walking though konoha and was exited to begin the academy he turned the corner to see 35 kids around his age standing in the academy gates he walked in and saw itachi and shisui standing together shisui waved at him and said "naruto over here " naruto walked over to itachi and shisui and said " are you guys ready" itachi spoke in a calm tone " yes" and shot naruto a smile "same here" shisui said with a thumbs up


"Look at my little itachi with is friends" mikoto spoke to shisui mom " I didn't know they were friends with kushinas kid though" hae said to her friend " in a way there kinda like us " mikoto said and hae laugh " 2 uchiha and a uzumaki I guess your right they are alot like us" hae said "speaking of our old team were is kushina shouldn't she be here with naruto" mikoto spoke up as hae looked around and said "why don't I see her I can normally see that tomato head from a thousand miles away and I only see the little tomato head" the little boy next to mikoto said "mommy weres big brother" hae picked him up and pointed at itachi and said " that's your big brother way over there " " I see him but I also see the tomato head you were talking about " this got a laugh out off mikoto and hae

Minato arrived on the podium and said " may I have your attention" all the people looked at him he saw a little bit of red hair in the crowd and realized it was his son " to all the kids joining the academy I want you to listen to your sensei and take your studies seriously" then in a flash Minato was gone

Mikoto and hae walked to naruto, shisui and itachi " naruto were is your mom" hae asked the red head " my mom is watching the twins so she couldn't make it" mikoto looked at him and asked " when was the last time it was just you and your mother and not the twins" naruto looked at mikoto and looked down " not since the nine tails attack this shocked hae and mikoto

"Alright boys behave yourselves and make sure you listen to your senseis" mikoto said as hae and mikoto were leaving with sasuke they boys waved good by to the uchiha women

Naruto shisui and itachi sat to together by the window naruto the closest to the window and then it went shisui and then itachi naruto was looking out side wondering why his mom didn't come and why his dad didn't stay there do they even love me naruto thought then his mind went to the twins its not there faults that mother and father forgot about me but hopefully when they turn two mother and father will stop forgetting about me and shoving me a side for the twins "hey naruto" " yea shisui " naruto whisper back " are you ok its like you were staring off into space " "yea shisui its just th-" "naruto, shisui no talking during my lesson " there sensei said with a sturn gaze naruto and shisui nodded their heads

They were let out the parents were waiting for there children out side the kids ran to their parents naruto looked around for his parents but realized that they were never gonna be there for him anymore its time to grow up and stop depending on them naruto thought mikoto and hae looked over to naruto to come with them but the look in his eyes scared them they were colder then a blizzard in negative 12 degree whether the he jumped up on the roof they let out a breath of air they didn't even know they were holding

A little girl saw those cold eyes she tried to follow him but was to slow she couldn't belive that he was so fast and also couldn't keep up with someone in her class the speed he was going at looked like some off the new chunin in her clan she new he out classed her at that moment she went back to her uchiha friends that got out of the academy " cherry were did you go" a brown haired girl asked " izumi I wanted to see something " more like chasing around a boy " the girl that was walking next to izumi said " it's not like that and if were talking about boys why were you staring at shisui huh amaterasu " amaterasu blushed and said " he's strong and wanted to know why" " sure " izumi said " you can't talk miss can't look away from itachi" cherry said yugao was know walking with them "are you guys talking about your little crushes" she teased " of course they are look how there blushing Hana said " well I wouldn't mind trying to spare with the red head he seems strong" anko said

Itachi and shisui were training they stopped for a break " did you see narutos eyes" itachi asked shisui " I was hoping it was just my imagination but I guess it's was real " " do you know how naruto is doing " itachi asked "I asked him but when he was gonna tell me are sensei interrupted him" shisui said " remember when my mom asked where his mom was and he said with the twins" itachi said " yea I remember" shisui said with a nodded" do you think Narutos getting neglected by his parents his dad didn't even stay to say anything to him and plus the twins have to be 8 months old I bet they couldn't be that much of a handful to show up to the academy for her eldest son" itachi stated with a worried look for his new friend "we should talk to are parents about him are mother's seem to be friends with his mom" shisui said " that's not a bad idea let's go" itachi spoke as he turned and walked for his house as shisui followed him

Hope you guys liked this one

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