young love

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Itachi and shisui went to Itachi house " mother, father I'm home and I brought shisui" said Itachi " welcome home and how was your first day boys " she said conning around the corner to see them she saw the two and wondered were naruto was " weres naruto he's normally with you two all the time" mikoto said " well he went to uh-uh Itachi do you know" shisui said " I also don't know were he is but mom we came here to talk to you able naruto" itachi said " I don't know naruto that good actually I think you know more than I do on this subject Itachi" " it not naruto it narutos parents you seem to know his pajamas really well " " that I do Itachi what do you want yo know about then but before we go any further let's get out of the entry way and into the living room to have a proper discussion" mikoto said and started walking towards the living room motioning the boys to follow her


" what is it that you two want to know about narutos parents" " well we were wanting to know why they are never around naruto well atleast I've never seen them around naruto" " they are taking care of there new babies so they can spend much time around naruto because they need a little more attention then he dose" mikoto said "well why wasn't his mother there to drop him off at the academy couldn't she have brought them along with her like you did with sasuke" shisui said " well yes but I only have sasuke and she has itama and mito and I hear that mito is a fussy little one there for she can't come to take care of three children that's to much" mikoto said not believing a word she just said kushina you could have brought them to see your first born go into the academy "well I guess that makes sense but what about his father why didn't he stay for naruto" itachi asked this time " well that because he's the hokage and need to go do hokage duties and such" mikoto said " well that's not fair too naruto he need attention from his mother and father too it can't just go all to the twins " shisui said with a little bit of anger naruto you have good friends that will always look out for what's best for you mikoto though and then said " life isn't always fair and naruto can handle it he's a strong boy " mikoto said " that's true I've never heard naruto complain about anything " shisui said " shisui we have to go train it's already past 5 a clock" itachi said getting up and walking to the door to leave shisui followed him " make sure your back for dinner itachi it's a 7 shisui you can come to tell your folks to stop by for dinner to " alright mom alright auntie mikoto" the two boys said before leaving


Naruto just ran into the woods right after the academy he stopped after 30 minutes and and jumped from the tree to the ground and ran at a tree sending his right fist into the tree making a small bit off the bark to come off he then hit it with his left arm and then right he did this for 30 minutes getting all his anger out and sadness why didn't they show up and they haven't said anything to me in week he got up making a shadow clone and working on his kenjutsu he went tell he killed the clone and then made another sometimes two to really challenge him at 5 he killed the last clone and then head a twig snap behind him he looked in that direction pointing his sword in thar direction he said " who's there and why are yoy there" a girl with black hair with coal balck eyes walked from the tree shenwas hiding behind and said " my name is cherry uchiha" he put his sword away and asked " why are younso far away from the village shouldn't you be with your friend" with a small smile on his face " I could ask the same thing" cherry said with a smirk " well I asked first" naruto stated " we split up after we got lunch now it's your turn" cherry asked as she started walking closer with a big smile " well I wanted to train and that's why im out here " naruto said as he sat down and then fell on his back looking up at the blue sky " hey dummy don't fall asleep I don't want to carry you back home" cherry said siting next to him " I'm not a dummy if any thing your the dummy" naruto shot back " how so " cherry said with a hint of anger " well you stepped on the only twig over there" naruto said " how do you know its the only one over there" cherry asked " well I cleaned the twig up yesterday except for one and you stepped on it" naruto said still looking at the clouds " why didn't you clean it up" she asked as she layed next to naruto looking at the clouds with him " because that's the perfect place to spy on me at" he said looking at her " so if your gonna keep doing it then you might want to find a new spot but that wouldn't even help you" naruto said "how so" cherry asked in confusion as she looked all around the next word shoked her " well it because I'm a sensor and I could sense you when you walked past the big oak tree half a mile away" naruto stated with a smile " so there's no way of spying on you is there" cherry asked in amazement not unless I'm really far away like in a field or something they talked tell tell 7 about random stuff " "hey naru I have to go my parents ar probably worried sick" cherry said as she started to walk away " I'll walk you home" naruto said this shocked cherry she thought he didn't really like her that much and only talked to her because he was board

Naruto arrived at the uchiha compound gates and said good bye to cherry " I'll see you tomorrow naru " cherry said with a blush not believing that he walked he home and called him naru " what's with the naru thing " naruto asked " it's a little nick name , see you tomorrow naru " cherry said and then ran off blushing like a tomato and not wanting to get caught by her mother if her mother found her hanging around a boy she talked about she would never here the end of it

Opinions on yous some Japanese language such as sama, kun, Chan, sepia, niichan, nechan, kasan, tosan, Bachan,, jiichan, Ototo ( little brother) , Imoto ( little sister)

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