first day of the last year

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The three of them walked into the class as the sat down in the right corner of the classroom as the kids started to flow in not even noticing the trio as the sensei walked in and told everyone to be quiet becuas class is starting and " we have three new students shisui itachi and naruto will you stand up" the trio stud up as everyone looked at them " there just little kids" one kid said " why do they get to skip to the last year class" another kid asked " well the answered the advanced test to go to the last year so they are more than qualified to be here" the sensei said " but that's not fair sensei" a girl said " and life isn't fair neither is the shanobi world its a dark place and you have you use everything to your advantage" naruto said he was annoyed already " naruto is right life isn't fair so your gonna just have to deal with it " the sensei said

After the academy the trio despaired and arrived in thier training ground " that was so boring I saw we use shadows clones to go to class for us and then we can stay here and train and when we have spares he can show up that day" itachi said shisui and naruto nodded thier head in agreement as they started to train tell it got dark it went like this for 6 months


Naruto was in the hospital waiting In the waiting room with his younger siblings because his mom was giving birth to his youngest little sister as the door opened and mito and itama walked In as a little red head baby with vilot eye's was crying " what's her name mom" naruto asked as he walked in " her name is Naomi " kushina said as kushina asked " do you want to hold her naruto" naruto nodded his head and kushina gave the crying baby to naruto as soon as the baby was in narutos arm she stopped crying and giggle and raised her arm twords his face " it looks like all babies like you naruto" Minato said " I guess so first hiyori mikotos new daughter and now Naomi" Naruto said as he gave her ti his father and she quickly started crying aging " give her back to big brother" mito said as she covered her ears Minato gave Naomi back to naruto and she stopped crying and started to giggle again kushina laughed " naruto if I didn't know any better I would think you were her mother" kushina said as everyone laughed

They were released and Naomi would cry if anyone but naruto was carrying her so naruto carried her home cherry saw naruto carrying Naomi and walked to him "is that your little sister" cherry asked " yeah her name is Naomi" naruto said " shouldn't your mom be carrying her" cherry asked " yeah but Naomi will cry if anyone is holding her but when I'm holding her she's calm and happy" naruto said kushina came up and taped cherry on the shoulder " would you like to come to our house for dinner" kushina asked " umm sure I just have to tell my mom" cherry said " mom your letting her try and steal big brother away from us " mito said at the words Naomi started trying to attack cherry " I'm not trying to steal your brother " cherry said " like I'd ever believe that" mito said as naruto was trying to hold back Naomi she was a wiggle one as Naomi got out of narutos grasp and jumped on cherry and snuggle up into her grasp and fell asleep " I thought she was trying to attack you but mabey she found some eles she like" naruto said as cherry and naruto walked to naruto house as they went in and she set Naomi down and she fell right asleep she walked down and said " I have to go tell my parents wlthat I will be having dinner here" kushina waved bye " naruto are you excited to have your girlfriend over for dinner" kushina asked naruto spit out the water he was drinking and looked at his mom " I'm just teasing you" kushina said as she went back to cooking

"Hey mom I'm going to a friend's house to have dinne" cherry said walking through the door " witch friend's swittie" Aoi asked turning aroundto see her daughter" narutos house" cherry said " kushina son that naruto" aoi asked " yea kushina invited me to have dinner with her " cherry said " that's great swittie did you know that her husband was the sensei to your older brother obito" Aoi said" really that's so cool" cherry said

As their was a nock on the door kushina went and got it and when she opened the door and saw who was there she hug aoi " it's Been along time since I last seen you " kushina said " come in were about to start dinner " kushina said " I couldn't I just came to drop my daughter off" aoi said kushina looked at cherry a d her eyes widened " how did I not notice it before" kushina said " still come in there's enough for everyone" kushina added as she particle forced aoi In cherry just laughed aoi looked at the red haired boy who was showing two little blonde kids how to hold a kunai as the boy moved she saw the scar over his right eye as she walked over to kushina " how did your son get that scar over his right eye" aoi asked " remember when kumo came to do a treaty well one of the kumo shanobi tried to steal the huyga hier and naruto shishu and itachi saw this shishu was still exhausted from training so he came and got us and itachi mission was to get the little girl itachi got the little girl and that's all we know of but when we got thier naruto cut the kumo shanobi in half and had a cut over his right eye lucky tsunade was there to heal it otherwise he would have lost his right eye" kushina explained " have you tried to talk to him about it and his fist kill" aoi asked " he doesn't like talking about It" kushina said as she walked out with a plate of food " dinner is ready" kushina said as everyone came to the dinner table and started to eat


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