First friends

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6 months later

Naruto is now six years old and will be be joining the academy he has been training with tsunade, hiruzen and shizune

Tsunade taught him some medical ninjutsu like the mystical pame palm and how to mack him punch stronger he's not at her level but if he gave some a punch to the stomach they would probably be sent back 5 or more feet

Hiruzen was his main sensei because he wasn't the hokage and only helped Minato with work to make it easier on the young Kage and hoped he would spend time with naruto but instead he took care of the twins. Hiruzen taught young naruto how to throw kunia and throw shurikenband helped worked on his taijustu Hiruzen bet if he went up against a chunin he would be able to bet him. Hiruzen helped naruto learn how to use a sword he would say he was a high genin with the sword but naruto said it didn't feel right in his hands so hiruzen summed it up to not being naruto sword since it didn't click with him right away

Shizune taught him some more history every time she brought out a book he would read it with no problem and soaked it up like a spung in water she also was like the mother of him always being there unlike his blood mother that turned him to the wolves as soon as she had other kids that really made her mad

Naruto walked into the training ground and was thinking why did prams tell me to come here early


After the day of training while shizune was healing his bruises "naruto make sure you get here early around 6 I have a supize for you" hiruzen said looking at the boy with a smile naruto was jumped up and said "what is it gramps" " you'll have to wait tell tomorrow naruto" " but why" naruto said with a frown on his face " well you have no energy left and it's getting dark and plus it better to have a clear mind" while going into this

End if flashback

Naruto saw his grandfather figure stand in the middle of the field naruto ran up to the old man and said "why did you ask me to come so early it better be cool" hiruzen laugh and said "it will help you learn cool thing"  he said pulling out some little pieces of paper and handed naruto the a pice of  paper "naruto this is chakra paper it will show you your affinity towards your elements. If it is wind it will cut in half if it's earth it will crumble if it water it will turn wet if it's lightning it will ball up if it's fire it will light on fire. To make it work you have to Chanel your chakra in it" hiruzen said

Naruto started to channel chakra in the paper and it split into 4 witch  symbol wind and one piece turned into soggy papper witch symbol of water and another crumpled into dirt witch symbol was earth and another one balled up that symbolized was lightning the last light on fire witch symbolized fire

Hiruzen was in shock he could not beilve naruto had four chakra nature's  1 was common 2 was rare 3 was petty much unheard of but the little kid in front of him has all 5 he was quickly shaken from his shock when naruto asked " did I do it right gramps" naruto had a worried face and disappointment was written all over his face too hiruzen shook his head and said " naruto you did just fine " hiruzen thoughts naruto you did better than just all right I truly believe that your gonna shake the ninja world and i bet you'll even accomplish your dream of passing hashirama and madara

Hiruzen then said "the academy starts in a week are you ready" " sure am gramps " naruto said smiling like a goon and putting his thumb up" alright good now.i want 15 laps around the training ground" hiruzen said Narutos smile quickly faded he took off

1 Hour later

Naruto layed down and was panting hiruzen sat down next to him and gave the boy some water "you have the rest off the day off I'm gonna go help your father with some work" naruto had a frown sporting his face at the mention of his father name he nodded his head and walked away

Hiruzen hoped naruto would forgive his parents but his parents didn't even know what he was doing but naruto know what was going on and was always around the twins but when his parents were around they shoved naruto away for the twins and didn't think twice about shoving him away

Naruto was going to the place he trained when he got off training with his sensies he was walking and heard some kunia clanging ge went into the tress to see he two boys fighting they both had black hair and there was a red and white fan on there backs of there shirts at the bottom was white and the red was on the top of the fan naruto looked closely and saw that one off the had red eyes he read about these eyes they were from the uchiha clan and they were called The sharingan. The boy with the sharingan was wearing a blue high collar shirt with gray shorts with white ninja tape going up from his ankle to his knee and white ninja tape wrapping around his fouarms with black shanobi sandals with a kunai holster on his right leg and a tattoo strapped to hus back the other boy had miduem black hair with a black shirt and black shorts whith black shanobi sanbles and a kunai holster on his right leg also

In the middle of the fight the both stood there looking in the direction of naruto the taller boy with the red eyes  said "I known your there you better come out " naruto jumped down from the tree and bowed " sorry for spying on you but I come here to train in the afternoons " the two black hair boys looked at the red hair one and the shorter of the two spoke up " that makes sense since we stop training at lunch time" naruto nodded his head and smiled "well if you don't mind could I tain with you two" the taller boy spoke up " I don't see why that would be a problem my name is shisui uchiha" as he deatvited his sharingan as the other boy spoke " my name is itachi uchiha it nice to meet you" itachi said with a small smile " that makes it my time to introduce. Y self my name is naruto uzumaki namikaze" the boys looked at naruto " so your the hokages son well you must be strong. I would like to spare with you because itachi is to predictable" shishu said naruto smiles "well you better be ready because I won't go easy on you " shisui smiled" I would like it no other way" itachi then joining the conversation "are you joining the academy this year" naruto looked at itachi and said " yes I am are you two going to joining too" " yes this will be are first year also" they both the uchiha said

That's the end I found time to upload this one I need a 3rd member for the duo so I said let's just do it it might as well put shisui in there and make them all the same age

Name for narutos little sister not the twins

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