18. I Am Sorry Tae

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Tae POV:

I was really happy when Amelia called me and said that Y/N woke up. I was over the moon. I wanted to see her but then I remembered that incident. I wanted her to realise her mistake so I decided to give her a silent treatment.

Currently I am driving the car. She got discharged from the hospital today. The ride was completely silent. I could sense that she wanted to say something but she didn't or maybe she couldn't. We reached home after about 20 minutes.

Tae: Wait a min (I said)

Y/N: Hmm

I went out of the car and removed the crutches from the back. I went opened her door and helped her stand. I gave her the crutches and left from there. Cause if I stay there even for one more second then I cannot control myself from picking her up in my arms.

I went inside. I was going to the bedroom when she called out my name.

Y/N : Tae

I turned to face her.

Y/N: Why are you going to the guest room? (She asked being confused )

Tae : Your leg is injured so I asked the maids to shift the stuff downstairs. You don't have to climb the stairs.

And then I went inside the room.

~ Time skip ~
At night

I came back from office. The maid came and gave me a glass of water. I thanked her.

Maid: Sir

Tae: Yes

Maid: Ma'am is refusing to eat dinner. (She informed)

Tae: And why is that?

Maid: she said she didn't want to eat the food that was suggested by the doctor as she does not like it.

Tae: Give me the food.

She went and brought the food. I took it from her and went in the bedroom. She was on her phone. When she felt my presence she looked up.

Tae: Eat your dinner. (I said coldly)

Y/N: I don't want to I hate that dish (she whined)

Tae: I am keeping it on the side table. If you want to eat then eat it or starve yourself I don't care. (I said and went to the bathroom for a quick shower)

After a while I came out and saw the plate was empty. I was relieved knowing that she ate her dinner.

Y/N: Tae can we watch a movie? (She asked with a lot of hope in her eyes)

Tae: Ask your friend ( I said)

She looked down. Then I went and laid on the bed back facing her. I felt the bed sinking a bit and understood that she also laid down.


Y/N laid down and was looking at the ceiling. She glanced at her husband who was back facing her and gathered some courage and back hugged him.

Tae: Don't hug me. (He said)

But she didn't listen and hugged him more tightly
He removed her hand and now
Y/N was heartbroken. She stayed in the same position looking at his back while her tears were rolling down her cheeks. She bit her hand trying to suppress her sobs. But she failed. 

Tae heard her crying and now he couldn't control himself anymore. He turned to face her and pulled her in his embrace while caressing her back and placing gentle kisses on top of her head.

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