7. It's Just a Contract

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It's been almost 6-7 hours since I left the house. I came to my favourite place in where I find peace. I don't feel like going home. So I decided to go to Namjoon hyung's house.
After a drive of ten minutes I reached hyung's house. I rang the bell and hyung opened the door.

Joon: What are you doing here Tae? (He asked)

Tae: I will tell you everything but now give me something to eat. I am really hungry.

Joon: ok come inside

We both went inside and I saw all the members were present there.

Tae: Oh are you guys having a meeting or something?

Jimin: No we were just hanging out

Tae: And you all didn't even care to invite me? (I said sulking)

Jin: Come on Tae . You just got married and you should spend time with Y/N instead of us.

My expressions changed from a sulking baby to a cold mature man.

Tae: Pls don't mention her name (I said in an irritated tone)

Hobi: what happened ? is everything ok?

Tae: Nothing is ok.

Then I explained them the incident that took place in the morning.

Joon: It was just a mistake and do you know that she called me in the morning and asked me for the information regarding the paperwork. She completed that paperwork alone.

Hearing that I had this weird feeling that I can't explain because this was the first time I am experiencing this.


Even though he understood that Y/N didn't do it on purpose and completed all his paperwork, his anger didn't allow him to forgive her.

Joon: I will ask you something and you have to answer me honestly.

Tae just nodded.

Joon: Y/N told me you were mad at her. Did you scold her?

Tae: Oh now she started complaining too. And yes I did yell at her. So what ? It was her mistake. (He said rudely)

Jin: Tae she is your wife . And that doesn't mean you will yell at her for a small mistake. She is also a human. Humans make mistakes.


In the heat of the moment he revealed the secret.

Everyone except Tae: WHAT?

Everyone was shocked.

Yoongi: What the fuck do you mean?

He told them the whole story and now they were more shocked.

Jk: Wait! But noona likes you

Tae: she doesn't and even if she does like me then I don't care.

Jimin was about to say something but Tae cuts him off

Tae: Now let's stop this discussion. I am tired.

And then he went to one of the rooms to sleep without eating anything.

~Time skip~ (Next day)


Y/N woke up at 7 in the morning in the living room. She went to the kitchen and saw the food was untouched. She checks all the rooms in the house but no one was there and realises that Tae didn't come home last night.

Y/N: Where did he go last night ? Did he eat?

A/N: Umm don't you think you should worry about yourself first as you have not ate anything since last night?

Then Y/N hears her stomach growl.

Y/N: You are right A/N.

She prepares breakfast for herself. While preparing the breakfast yesterday's incident flashes in front of her eyes and unknowingly her tears start flowing. And suddenly she screams


Well while thinking of yesterday's incident she accidentally burned her right hand. She immediately went to the sink and kept her hand under cold running water.

Y/N: Why is it always has to be me? (She asked while crying)

After that she just ate some snacks as she could not cook only with one hand. And she didn't even care to apply ointment on her hand. She was in drowned in thoughts.

Y/N: I think I should keep some distance from him. Not for his sake but for mine. If I stay close to him I will fall for him again and then I know I will be hurt.

This time she was determined to keep a distance between them. After eating she felt like doing nothing. So she just laid on the couch and started watching K-drama.

She spent the whole day watching K-drama and movies and then went to sleep after eating dinner.


I finally came home and opened the door and was greeted with darkness and silence.
"Where is she ?" I thought.

Tae: Anyway why do I care?

I said and directly went to the bedroom to sleep as I already had my dinner with BTS.

I opened the door and saw that she was sleeping peacefully. I just changed my clothes and was about sleep when I saw some papers kept on the nightstand. I picked them up and saw it was the paperwork which was ruined that day. I went through the papers and was amazed.

Tae: It's excellent! Wait...did she really do it alone? (I said to myself)

I took a glance at her and I don't know why but felt like apologising to her. So I decided that I will apologise to her tomorrow morning. While looking at her unknowingly a smile crept in my face and I remembered the moments when she was all joyful and happy while trying to make me melt.

I slowly started caressing her hairs and was still smiling like an idiot. Soon I came back to my senses.

Tae: Why the heck I am acting so weird? (I asked myself being confused)

A/N: You are in love bro

Tae: Shut up

And then I drifted off to sleep.

I hope you like this chapter and pls vote for it. And today I will uploading only one chapter instead of two because I have to make some changes in the next chapter.


Thank you for reading!

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