We don't have amazing conflict resolution skills

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(AN, please enjoy! Comment someone you want to see more scenes of in this book!)

Mattheo's POV

"What is your problem, Potter!" I heard Blaise scream before punching Harry in the face.

He went to take another swing before Snape grabbed him and pulled him back. I looked and saw Hayden's face covered in blood, and the tips of her hair were a stormy grey. Her skin was paler than normal, and I was starting to feel anxious.

This is my fault. I am the reason she pulled away from Harry. My brother is right. I am going to be just like him. I am going to be the next evil wizard. But I'll be damned if I am the next Riddle to harm Hayden Potter.

I picked up her light body and ran through the castle. People stared as I ran with her limp body. I burst through the hospital wing and Madam Pomphrey ran to meet me.

"Oh dear! What happened?" She asked, laying Hayden on a hospital bed.

"Her brother did this. It was a dueling club incident gone wrong," I explained, my eyes still on her grey hair.

"Give me space boy! I'm trying to save your girlfriend's life!" She commanded.

My heart hurt. I could never be her boyfriend, for I would destroy her. And I cannot destroy her.

"She isn't my girlfriend. I don't care about her," I snapped, my voice sounding cold, "I only brought her cause I was told to. And make sure she knows she owes me a favor."

"Get out! She doesn't need someone like you here if that is how you are going to speak about her!" Madam Pomphrey demanded.

I walked outside and punched a wall. I grabbed my cigarette and lit it, enjoying the nicotine entering my lungs. It's the only peace I get these days with her. But my brother's message was clear.

"Mattheooooooo," I heard the voice of someone I didn't expect to hear anytime soon. 

"Why are you in my head? How are you in my head?" I thought, my heart rate increasing. 

"The Lovegood girl getting petrified. That was some of my best work, right?" He taunted, and I felt my face getting red. 

"You hurt her?" I screamed in my head, clenching and unclenching my fist. 

"Don't act like you care-" 

"She was my friend!" I shouted in my head. 

"Do you think they are really your friends? Are you that naive, Mattheo?" He taunted, and I could hear his laugh. 

"What do you want?" I demanded, keeping my voice steady in my own head. 

"I am willing to make a deal, dear brother," he told me, and I could almost hear the smirk he was wearing. 

"What kind of deal?" I demand. 

"If you cut off that insufferable little group and help my little heir with her task then I promise that none of that group will be touched." 

"All I have to do is cut them off, and you won't go after Hayden...and the others?" I asked him. 

"None of them will be petrified, my dear brother. So do we have a deal?" He asked me. 


And with that, I had made my deal with the devil.

Hayden's POV

"What happened?" I asked, staring at my friends, and I immediately noticed Blaise's busted lip. 

"Your brother attacked you, and it nearly killed you," Theo explained, his grip still tight on my hand.

"Oh," I said, my eyes wide, "And what happened to Blaise?" 

"He attacked your brother," Aiden explained. 

"Aw, thank you, Blaise," I said, with a smile. 

"I'd do it again. You are like my sister, Hayden. And Potter went after my family." 

"With the detention that Blaise definitely has now, how many detentions do we have as a group?" I asked everyone laughing. 

"I did the math. We are up to eight so far, and it's not even Christmas yet," Kyra explained, and we all just laughed. 

"I'm starting to think, maybe we are the problems," Theo said with a grin. 

"No, never," I laughed, "Where's Mattheo? I remember seeing him before the world around me went dark." 

"He dropped you off and left. Madam Pomfrey said you owed him a favor," Aiden explained and Theo squeezed my hand in a comforting manner. 

My hair turned blue, "Oh, okay. Am I good to get up?" 

Kyra nodded her head as she watched me stand up, "I'll meet you guys in the common room." 

"See you soon," Theo said, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

I walked through Hogwarts and found Mattheo in his usual spot in the astronomy tower. He was overlooking the forest, and he didn't even acknowledge me when I first walked in. 

"What the hell, Mattheo," I asked, trying to sound tough, but my voice just broke. 

"I saved your life, maybe you should get on your knees and worship me," He said coldly. 

"Fuck you, Mattheo," I spat, my hair turning bright red, "You didn't have to save me." 

"You always need someone to save you," Mattheo said approaching me, his face near mine. 

"I don't. You just enjoy playing the hero," I told him, keeping the eye contact with his intense brown eyes. 

"I'm already cashing in my favor," he told me lowly. 

"You always were impatient," I quipped, using the anger to hide the multitude of other emotions I was feeling. 

"Stay away from me. Forever. Befriending you was the biggest mistake of my life," he told me, and no matter how hard I fought, I couldn't stop the blue from appearing in my hair. 

"Easily, it was pain in my ass always having to defend your actions," I said, forcing my voice to stay steady. 

Mattheo hesitated, and I saw a flicker of something go through his eyes before he finally spoke, "It's a shame my brother failed. This would be so much easier if he had succeeded." 

"I was wrong about you," I said, tears filling my eyes, "Your fate is already sealed." 

He went silent, and I turned to walk away. By the time I got to the portrait, I was sobbing. I felt like everything around me was crashing and burning. But I had to hide it. I can't always be the problem. So, I forced myself to be angry so my hair would be red. I wiped my tears away, forced a neutral expression, and walked into the common room.

"What happened?" Aiden asked me. 

"We learned that we don't have amazing conflict resolution skills," I said as a joke. 

Everyone laughed and started to move on. I sat there and pretended to be fine. I laughed and joked with everyone, trying to forget the look of hatred in Mattheo's brown eyes. At one point, I looked up and met Theo's eyes. And the look he gave me told me one thing. 

He knew that I was breaking inside.

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