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(AN, so the sixth year is quite interesting so far, don't you think? Please comment on any predictions you have for this year. Please enjoy!)

"So, Snape saved your ass?" Theo asked me. 

"Surprisingly, yes," I told the group, sitting in Mattheo's arms. 

"And Dumbledore thinks we the dark mark," Blaise told me, "Which we do, in case anyone is forgetting." 

"And Kyra is here," Luna pointed out, sitting in Theo's arms. 

"I have an idea," I spoke, "For Blaise anyways." 


"There is a potion we can slip Snape. It will send him into a coma that will make him appear dead. We can give him the antidote after getting rid of Dumbledore, and by then we can already be working on how to take down Voldemort," I explained. 

"I can probably brew the potion, I am a damn good potion maker," Blaise acknowledged.

"Could we do the same for Dumbledore?" Luna asked. 

"Technically yes," I replied, "But I have concerns for his intentions with my brother. And despite what was said tonight, I love the little prick."

"He also would kill any of us given the chance," Theo spoke. 

"So, let's place it in the maybe pile," Mattheo told us, forcing a burst of laughter in the room. 

"We need sleep, we have potions and career meetings tomorrow," Blaise told us. 

"What careers are you all choosing?" Luna asked, lying down next to Theo. 

"I want to be a healer," Mattheo spoke up, "I want to do some good in the world." 

"I want to be a potioneer," Blaise announced before yawning. 

"I want to be a monster hunter," Theodore announced with a giant grin. 

"I'd love to either be a hit witch or a defense against the dark arts professor," I announced. 

"Hit witch?" Luna asked. 

"They go after the most notorious criminals in the wizarding world," I explained. 

"So, we have to worry about you until you die, I get it," Theo announced making me smile. 

"That's the goal," I replied. 

"What about Tomo and Aiden?" Luna whispered as Blaise's snores filled the air. 

"Aiden wants to be an Aurologist, someone who studies magic phenomena," I explained, cuddling into Mattheo's side.

"Tomo told me that he wants to be an Auror," Mattheo muttered, sleepiness taking over, "He wants to stop people like his parents."

We all went silent after that. Me and Mattheo cuddled as sleep overtook us. 

Time Skip - Potions

"Guys. McGonagle hates us now," Aiden said, sitting behind me and Mattheo. 

I ended up in NEWT potions. And definitely not because Mattheo did all the work and lied about what I had contributed to get me into the class. I am officially in all NEWT classes, which is very exciting for me. 

"Not surprising. She thinks I am a cold-hearted killer, and she thinks everyone else is a death eater," I replied. 

"Oh, so she has us figured out," Aiden replied with a smirk. 

"Exactly," I grinned. 

"Alright class, you may all go and grab a textbook!" Slughorn announced. 

Mattheo grabbed a book, snorted, and placed it down before grabbing another book. I gave him a weird look but waited until we sat down to ask him what had happened.

"It was the half-blood prince's book," Mattheo said with a grin. 

"Ah, so Snape's book. You should have grabbed it," I told him.

"I don't need his book to be the best potion maker in the room. All I need is basic instructions, my wit, and my beautiful girl cheering me on and taking half the credit," Mattheo said before kissing my hand. 

"Alright class, does anyone know what this is?" Slughorn asked, and Mattheo raised his hand. 

"Yes, Mr.?"

"Can I not say my last name, so you like for at least a little bit longer?" Mattheo asked, "And it's the love potion. It smells like the person you love most." 

"Correct Mr. Riddle. I will do my best to keep the associations to a minimum. Professor Snape told me that you are a brilliant young man. Tell me, what do you smell?"

"I smell the scent of roses, a flower perfume, and the forbidden forest," Mattheo spoke, staring directly at me. I use rose shampoo and a flower perfume.

"Who else wants to go?" No one raised their hand, so he called on Blaise. 

"I smell freshwater, lilies, and candies," Blaise said causing Theo to cross his arms. 

"What about you, Mr. Nott?" Slughorn asked.

"I smell freshwater, lilies, and candies," Theo told him and the class started to whisper. 

"One last person. What about you, Miss?" 

"Cortez," Kyra spoke with a smirk. 

Kyra sniffed the potion and hesitated before finally answering, "Saltwater, books, and cookies." 

"That wasn't it," I whispered to Mattheo. 

"That hesitation was too much for it to have been it," Mattheo agreed. 

We then learned about liquid luck. Whoever brewed the best love potion got to get a few vials of it. I started to read the instructions to Mattheo, who made adjustments as we went along. As we made the potion, Slughorn passed out envelopes. He put two envelopes down on our table and continued on his way. 

"Open that for me, darling," Mattheo told me, stirring the potion fifty-three and a half times. 

Dear Mr. Riddle, 

After some consideration and pressure from Severus Snape. I would like to welcome you to our Slugclub meeting. My one request is that you wear long sleeves to the first meeting. Have a good day.

From, Professor Slughorn

"He wants to make sure I don't have the mark, does yours say the same?" He asked me. 

I opened my letter and quickly read through it. I finally nodded my head. Mattheo scoffed but continued with the potion. Everyone is so worried about the two of us and we are the two without the mark. 

"Alright, I have inspected the potions, and there is a tie. Between Mr. Potter and Mr. Riddle. You two can split the liquid luck."

Mattheo grabbed his potions, and we went to go back to his dorm. As we did a familiar voice filled my head. 

I killed Sirius Black!

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