Want to duel me bitch

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(AN, it is time for the end-of-the-year check-in. Enjoy the chapter loves!

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"Woah," I said as we walked into a room.

I saw Ginny on the ground, she looked pale and sick. I started turning, looking around for Mattheo, but I didn't see him.

"Theo," I said, giving him a look.

"It isn't him," he told me, a terror in his eyes.

"How do you know?" I asked, my hair was purple.

"Look up," Theo whispered.

I saw Mattheo lifted in the air, cuts lingering on his pale body. He was passed out, or at least I hope he is just passed out. His hair is stuck to his forehead with blood. He looked like hell.

"Tom! Tom! You have to save her!" Harry shouted.

I looked up and froze. Theo from beside me screamed, "Harry get back!"

"Please you have to save her!" Harry begged.

"Harry. It's him you dimwit," I told him, my voice shaking.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my future sister-in-law," Tom teased me, staring directly at me.

"What did you do to them?" I demanded, not phased by his comment.

"Killing mudbloods doesn't interest me anymore. I have a new purpose: you, Harry and Hayden. I've been using Ginny to get to you. She's been writing in my diary, pouring out her soul, and I've been feeding off her fears and secrets. Now, I'll use her life force to bring back the great Lord Voldemort."

"What does Mattheo have to do with this?" Theo asked, his voice wavering.

"I needed someone to protect little Ginny, and make sure that Harry here got the diary," Tom said with a smirk.

"He would never help you!" I yelled.

"Luna's petrification was a warning to my brother. He needed to help his blood family out, or I would attack each and every one of his pathetic chosen family. For a while, he did good. He stayed away and carried out every wish. But, at Christmas when you two had your little moment, I needed to show him who he was serving. So, I petrified that little mudblood boy. My brother felt betrayed, ran down here to confront me. He has three more hours before the poison kills him. I can't believe he thought he could stand up to me!" Tom laughed maniacally.

"Wingardium leviosa," I whispered as Harry yelled at Tom.

"Nice try little girl, but my magic is still stronger than you. I need to complete what I tried to do 12 years ago!" Tom yelled at me.

"Oh no," I muttered.

Suddenly a Snake came out of the water. I grabbed Theo's hand and immediately started running to the tunnels. Harry sprinted after us and we managed to make it in.

"Don't look it in its eyes!" I yelled running.

"The bite is venomous!" Theo also yelled.

The snake started to chase us through, and we ran back outside. I looked up to Mattheo and saw black veins on his arms and face. As I was running, I tripped and fell, right in front of Tom.

"Theo! Run back to the tunnels!" I screamed as a phoenix came to blind the snake.

"So, you are the girl my brother is so infatuated with," Tom said circling me.

I could see Theo and Harry run back into the tunnels, and I saw that Harry was bit.

"Focus on me!" Tom screamed at me.

"I am more than just the girl your brother is infatuated with. My name is Hayden Potter. I am the girl who lived!" I told him, forcing myself to my feet.

"That was a mistake!" He screamed in my face.

"Want to try again?" I told him, still staring him down.

"Excuse me?" He asked cockily.

"I defeat you, and Mattheo and Theo walk out with me. You defeat me, and you can kill me."

"You really want to wager your life?" He demanded.

"Yes, I do," I told him, raising my wand, "unless you are too scared Tom."

"You think I'm scared of you, little girl?" He asked with a laugh.

"Apparently," I sassed, keeping my wand raised.

"Fine. Were you taught to duel?" He asked me, stepping down to be on my level.


"Fine. Bow to me so we can begin!" He demanded.

"You also have to bow to me, Tom," I told him, keeping my emotions level so my hair wouldn't change.

We both barely bowed to each other, both of our eyes not leaving the others.

"Stupefy!" I screamed and he blocked it.

"Expelliamus!" Tom shouted back, but I used protego to protect myself.

I shot an explosion charm at Tom as I watched Harry stab the Basalik through the jaw. It knocked him backward, and I used the disarming charm directly after it to knock his wand from his hand. I ran over and stepped on him, my foot pressing into his throat.

"Save him! Save Mattheo!" I screamed at him,

"You can't have defeated me again!" He screamed at me.

"I did! I am smarter than you! I am more ambitious than you! I am better than you! Now save Mattheo!" I screamed, pressing harder into his neck.

"Tom! Save them or else!" Harry yelled, holding a basilisk fang over the diary.

I saw the fear flashing through Tom's eyes so I yelled to him, "Do it, Harry!"

"What about Ginny and him?" Harry asked.

"Trust me! Do it!"

Harry stabbed into the diary and Tom screamed from under me. He started to disintegrate as Harry continuously stabbed into the diary.

"We will continue to win, Tom!" I tell him right before he completely fades away.

Theo ran under Mattheo and broke his fall when he came down from the air. I ran over to them and collapsed beside them, bringing Mattheo's head into my lap. I noticed the black veins started to fade away and go to his normal veins.

"It's okay Mattheo. We saved you," I whispered and kissed his forehead.

"That was so badass," Theo told me.

"So we're you," I told him, leaning into him.

I saw the Phoenix cry onto Harry, which would heal him. Ginny was leaning against Harry, the poor girl looked so weak.

"I'm so sorry!" She sobbed.

"Ginny, much stronger men have fallen for his tactics," I told her.

"I hurt people!" She sobbed.

"So did Mattheo, but his head is still in her," Theo said making me blush.

"Let's get out of here. I don't like it," Harry told us.

Me and Theo lifted up Mattheo and we drug him through the chamber. I don't know when he will wake up, but I hope he knows we still love him. I need to know that we still love him.

I need him to know I still him.

I think...

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