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(AN, I'm sorry. Please enjoy.) 

Time skip - at the thestles 

"Oh, my Merlin, they are stunning," I said as our group approached the therestles.

"Almost as stunning as you," Mattheo said from behind me. 

"Not that I don't enjoy your flirting, but my dad is in danger, and I only have enough energy to focus on that," I told him honestly. 

"We will save him. I promise you," he told me, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. 

"Alright, who can't see them?" I asked looking at the golden trio, my friends, and Neville. 

"Me," Ron and Hermione spoke up. 

"I also can't," Draco spoke up. 

"Luna, you will share with Draco, Harry you got Hermione, and Neville you got Ron," I announced, and everyone nodded. 

Everyone knew better than to argue with me right now. I was terrified for Sirius, and my hair was a bright purple to show it. We all got on our own animals and went flying through the night sky. Luna was flying through the sky with her arms out and enjoying the wind in her hair. 

"She's beautiful isn't she Blaise?" I asked him, a small smile on my face. 

"She likes Theo," Blaise commented. 

"It's a phase, she will grow out of it," I replied making him chuckle. 

"I'm worried this is a rebound. I never want to hurt Luna. I would hate to have to kill myself because I hurt one of the purest human beings I have ever met," Blaise told me as we approached the building. 

"Let's unpack this later," I told him, "Because you definitely need to talk about it." 

"Thank you, Hayden. You are the best," he told me.

"I'm aware," I said with a hair flip as we went to land.

We all went into the building; Mattheo came over to hold my hand. He ran his thumb over his hand in a comforting manner. 

"What are we looking for?" Theo asked as we looked around. 

"Me and Harry's prophecy," I told me, "Maybe I will see why Dumbledore has always hated me."  

We split up and started to look around to find it. After a few minutes, I heard Draco yell my name. I went running through the building until I found him holding a prophecy.

"Hey, just know that these don't always have to be true," Draco told me and handed me the orb. 

The female twin will be different then her brother

there's a reason she can't gain the love of her mother.

She will be evil, vile, and cruel

to the Dark Lord she will be a tool. 

And in the end, she will kill who she loves the most.

"Draco, this is really bad," I said looking up to him with tears in my eyes. 

"These are almost never true. I believe you are too good to work for the Dark Lord, to kill Mattheo," Draco explained, hugging me. 

"And if I am not?" I asked him. 

"I promise to kill you before you can kill Mattheo," Draco told me. 

"Thank you," I said, my head buried in his chest. 

"Is it just me, or are those shelves leaning over and prophecies are breaking?" Draco asked and I turned to see where he was looking.

"I think we need to start running," I agreed. 

Draco grabbed my prophecy and threw it onto the ground causing it to shatter, "No one else has to know. This is our little secret." 

Me and him ran through the room. Prophecies were collapsing around us as we sprinted toward the exit. I saw my other friends making it to the door. 

"Come on! Run Draco! Run Hayden!" They yelled as we barely made it through the door. 

"Did you find your prophecy?" Harry asked me.

"Nope, we didn't have time," Draco lied on behalf. 

Suddenly black surrounded us. I saw Neville in the hands of Bellatrix, and Luna in the hands of Theodore Nott Sr. But what really made my blood boil was the fact that Kyra had Blaise. 

"You are a fucking bitch!" I shouted and went to run at Kyra, but Harry stopped me, both of us in the middle with Theodore. 

"She will kill him!" Harry yelled, stopping me. 

"You are a traitor!" I screamed in anger. 

"You never gave me anything worth staying for," she said with a devilish smirk. 

"Hello son, let me make this quick," Theo's dad told him.

"Dad let her go!" Theo yelled, desperation in his voice, "Please, I love her!"

"Oh, son I know. Luckily Kyra was able to figure out the group dynamics pretty well," Theo Nott Sr. said pushing his wand into Luna's neck, "Here's the deal. You go up to our Dark Lord."

"Don't say our!" Theo yelled, panic in his voice. 

"Interrupt me again and see what happens to the girl!" Theo's dad yelled as tears poured down Luna's face, "You will go to our Dark Lord and receive the Dark Mark in front of all your pathetic friends! Then you will come to me, and I will take you away and train you for who you were meant to be!"

"No!" I shouted. 

"Theo you can't man!" Mattheo yelled, in the arms of Dolohov.

"If you don't go now I will kill her!" Theo's dad threatened. 

"It's okay!" Luna sniffled, "I can die. Just don't do it, Theo." 

Harry grabbed my hand as Theo turned and walked up to Voldemort. 

"Theo no! There has to be another way!" I begged. 

"I won't let him kill someone else I love!" Theo yelled, tears in his eyes. 

"Hello, Theodore," Voldemort said. 

Theo put his arm out, "I submit to you, Dark Lord." 

Voldemort said a spell and the Dark Mark appeared on his skin. He numbly went over to his father who threw Luna to the ground. 

"Good choice son," He snapped, grabbing Theo. 

And in an instant, he was gone. Theodore was gone.

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