Spending and leading

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(AN, I am aware things seem to be extreme with Hayden, but this is what unmedicated bipolar can look like. Question of the day: Favorite year I've done so far? Please enjoy!)

"Hayden, do you need that journal in every color?" Blaise asked me. 

"Yeah, it's been a rough few days and I deserve some treats. 

"You can't avoid him forever," Blaise told me. 

"Yes, I can. I don't blame him, but I do regret sleeping with him," I told Blaise with a sigh, paying for the seven journals that I bought. 

"Hayden," Blaise started, "I think you are spiraling." 

"Nope. I feel too good to be spiraling," I told him, "Now come on, I told Luna I'd buy her some butterbeer at noon. I'll pay for yours too." 

"You don't have to pay for my company," Blaise told me, "I feel like I've been clinging to you."

"You are my friend. I enjoy it," I replied, "Oh this shirt would look good on me."

"Hayden, you've spent two hundred galleons," Blaise scolded me, concern in his voice. 

"It's on sale. I'd practically be losing money if I didn't buy it," I said and skipped into the store. 

"Listen, I know that not taking the meds is your right, but I think you need to reconsider. You have slept with Nott, spent excessively, and I see the marks on your wrist."

"That was Luna's owl," I quickly lied, "And I promise that I am okay."

"If you say so," Blaise said giving me a side-eye.

I bought the shirt and me and Blaise went to meet Luna at the Three Broomsticks. Blaise paid for the three of us before I could which caused me to jokingly glare at him. 

"So, do you and Theo like each other again?" Luna asked me.

"No, what happened was a mistake," I admitted. 

"Was it at least good?" Luna asked me, taking a sip of butterbeer. 

"Oh, hell yeah. What do you have a thing for him?" I asked her and a red blush coated her cheeks. 

"Oh my god, she does!" Blaise shouted making Luna smack him.

"Luna, if I had known, I never would have," I said feeling panicked. 

"I know. And I didn't tell you. There are no hard feelings. At least I know it's good," Luna said with a genuine smile before taking another sip.

"Hayden, come with me," Hermione said grabbing my arm, "Blaise and Luna follow." 

"Okay," we all agreed unable to argue as we followed Hermione throughout the Hogsmeade streets. 

I saw Aiden, Theo, and Tomo being drug by Ron. We all went into the shrieking shack and hung out on the edge. Me and Theo avoided eye contact as Mattheo and Draco made their way over to us. 

"What is this?" Draco asked me, "Your brother said you were involved." 

"I am involved? Yeah, that's funny," I said, but saw Draco wasn't kidding. 

"Follow me, I promise this is a good idea, and you will like it," Harry said before dragging me up in front of the room of children. 

Hermione got up in front of everyone and started to address the crowd. She was talking about the bullshit that Umbridge was spewing and how she had a solution to the problem. Me and Harry be a teacher. 

"Harry has some of the best grades in defense against the dark arts, and Hayden has fought him twice and won!" Hermione exclaimed. 

"Three times," I murmured. 

"Did Kyra really kill Cedric?" A boy asked me, "And wasn't she your best friend?" 

"She was my best friend, and she betrayed me. Her betrayal doesn't make me any less qualified," I retort. 

"Doesn't it? Who knows who next out of you psychos will try to kill us!" The boy yelled. 

"Get out. You obviously have no respect for what Hermione is setting up. So, get the fuck out."

"She's crazy. You all will regret it if you follow her!" The boy yelled before leaving. 

"Anyone else have something to say?" I asked to crowd, and a few did slip out and leave. 

Harry held my hand, and we stood up straight. For the first time, we felt like a unified force. Like me and Harry could truly take anything down that got in our way. 

"Listen. I am crazy. I jump headfirst into danger, and I have enough trauma for everyone in this room," I opened, "But I am also smart as hell. I am clever. I am determined. Umbridge will destroy everyone's potential if we just do her class, but me and Harry can prepare you for more."

"Do you promise that we will be safe?" A first-year Hufflepuff asked me. 

"I promise to do everything in my power to keep everyone safe," I told him.

"Then I don't like Umbridge. She made me write these evil lines," the boy told me, "Do you promise to not make us write evil lines?" 

"You will never be punished in our class. Our class is about learning, not fear!" I announced and grabbed his hand, placing a soft kiss on the lines that read I will not be so stupid.

"What is your name?" I asked the boy as everyone around us started to sign up on a list. 

"Andrew," he told me, his blonde hair falling in his eyes.

"Welcome to Hogwarts Andrew. If you ever need a place to sit, the Renegades have room for one more," I told him, and he shot me a small smile.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed before running off with some of his friends. 

I looked over to mine and smiled. Kyra hurt us, but she did not destroy us. 

After all, it wasn't Kyra who destroyed us. 

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