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(AN, here is your new chapter! A lot has been happening, and it is only getting more chaotic! Enjoy. Question of the day: Who is someone you want to see more of?)

"Kyra, I have to slay a dragon," I say as she braids my hair. 

"Is it honestly the scariest thing you've had to do?" Kyra asked me, tying off the braid.

"I mean no. I'd say dueling Tom Riddle may take the cake," I responded, my hands shaking. 

"You got this. You have been training, and Blaise made you a fire resistance potion," Kyra told me. 

"What if it still goes wrong? What if one of us dies?" I asked her. 

"You both will be fine. Mattheo is one of the most brilliant students at Hogwarts. Second only to me, of course," she teased.

"Good to know you've stayed humble," I said with a small giggle.

"You have this, love. I believe in you. As Rita Skeeter said, bring out your inner crazy killer," Kyra said making me laugh. 

"Me and Mattheo are going to destroy the entire wizarding world," I continued, my breathing slowly going back to normal. 

"I think you have a chance to save it," Kyra told me. 

"I thought you didn't support us?" I asked her, standing up.

"He truly loves you. I thought Theo did, but it is obvious that he doesn't. I just want you to be happy," Kyra told me, "Now let's go. You have a dragon to slay." 

Kyra walked me to the tent and when I went inside, I immediately found my way over to Mattheo. He wrapped his arm around me and held me close to him. 

"If it isn't the most evil couple that Hogwarts has ever seen," Viktor said approaching us. 

"Oh, we are absolutely vile," I laugh, trying to hide my fear.

"I'm petrified," he told us, "Remember, act shocked about the dragons."

"We are aware. Thank you again for the warning, Krum. Take this as a token of thanks," Mattheo said and handed him a vile. 

"Fire resistance potion. Much appreciated, Riddle," Viktor said before walking over to his headmaster.

"Champions gather around!" All of us walked over and surrounded the minister. 

"Your first task is going to be going to be fighting dragons," he told us. 

"What?" Fleur faked a gasp, and I had to put my head into Mattheo to hide my grin. 

"Cedric, you may pick first," he announced. 

When it was Mattheo's turn, he pulled out a Hungarian Horntail. He muttered a curse under his breath and my hair went purple as I worried for him. When it was my turn, I reached my hand into the bag and pulled out a Japanese Firecracker. My hair went bright purple and Mattheo let out a louder curse. 

"His fire is poisonous," Viktor mumbled. 

"Motherfucker," I replied, leaning back into Mattheo. 

 Me and Mattheo sat at the edge of the tent as Cedric went out to fight his dragon. 

"Matty," A soft voice whispered. 

Mattheo walked over and let Luna in the tent. She hugged him tightly and handed him a necklace with a moon on it. 

"It's a good luck omen. Hayden, I got you a sun one," she told us, hugging us both.

"We got this Luna, don't worry," I told her, petting her head. 

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