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Johnny opens the door and carries Jenna inside the house in his arms bridal style.

Jenna: I walked into a knife. How does somebody do that?

Elena: It was a freak accident.

Johnny: It happens.

He places her down on the couch, she winces slightly in pain.

Elena walks into the kitchen where Alex is, she places a bag of food on the counter

Elena: So what are you gonna do?

Alex: What about?

Elena: Katherine.

Alex: We got it handled, cupcake.

She kisses her on the forehead and grabs her jacket

Elena: Where are you going, Alex?

Alex: Don't worry your pretty head about it, doll face.


Katherine is straightening her curly hair.

Lucy: What's with the hair?

Katherine: I'm impersonating my dull-as-dishwater doppelgänger Elena. She has the worst taste. Through we do have good tastes in women especially that yummy Alex.

Lucy: Isn't it a risk pretending to be her in front of the entire town?

Katherine: I've gotten quite good at it actually and everyone's gonna be in masks. It's for some feed this, something charity. It's for a good cause Lucy.

Lucy: Hum, okay. Well, have you actually seen the moonstone before? I always thought it was some made up legend.

Katherine: I have seen it and I need you to help me get it back.

Lucy: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do with it? Katherine, there's two Riders in town.

Katherine: And if Klaus comes, they'll handle him. Alex won't let anything happen to me. She'll give me the moonstone if I asked her to.

Lucy: Wow!

Katherine: What?

Lucy: You're in love with her, aren't you?

Katherine rolls her eyes going back to straightening her hair.


Alex walks into the mansion wearing a suit and a mask.

Katherine and Lucy arrive. They're going different ways. Katherine takes a strawberry from a plate and walks into Matt.

Matt: Elena?

Katherine: Matt? You look dashing.

Matt: I thought you said you weren't coming.

Katherine: I couldn't miss it. You really are hot in a suit. I would love to just...Okay, here's the deal.

She looks into his eyes and compels him.

Katherine: Do you know what you have to do?

Matt: I'm gonna get Tyler Lockwood really drunk. I'm going to start a fight with him and I'm gonna beat him until he snaps.

Katherine: And then?

Matt: I won't stop until he kills me.

Katherine: God, you're hot. Now go away.

Matt: Thank you.

Alex is on the dance floor, alone. She sees Katherine walking down the stairs a long distance away. Then Katherine suddenly appears behind her

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