chapter twenty-second

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Ashton's pov

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Ashton's pov

Tradition. Everybody has a tradition they do every single year. As a whole world, we celebrate the turn of the New Year, as a country we celebrate the day we "earned" our independence.

As a company, we celebrate a successful year of patient progress, and as a family we celebrate the day my brother and I were born.

Traditions can be really great and your favorite thing in the world, or you can be like me, at six-fifteen am on your birthday, doing twenty-six bleacher sprints with your brother as tradition for being born.

Not only did my mother rip me out of my bed at five-thirty am screaming happy birthday, she also met Joliè, who was also asleep, in my bed.

A truly phenomenal way to celebrate a new chapter.

Embarrassment. Everyone gets embarrassed even if they weren't doing anything bad. Your mind comes up with 'what ifs' and 'almosts.'

When I was rudely awaken this morning, my mother stared at Joliè for a solid two minutes before apologizing and demanding she go back to sleep.

Little does she know I'm gonna be paying for that in more food with her.

I'm currently on my tenth rep huffin' and puffin' my way through this run. I promised myself I wouldn't drink water until I made it halfway which would be about thirteen laps.

Don't ask me why, I just have to do it this way.

Listening as my mother aggressively screamed out words of encouragement, I was glad that every year we stuck to some kind of outdoor activity to start our birthday off right.

Even after our twenty-first birthday, mom had managed to get us a private swim session booked at four in the morning. Just so we would be more inclined to "stay hydrated" after our heaviest night of drinking.

Usually she'd be joined in on the activity but we told her that just this once, she deserved a free pass. She wasn't happy, but we told her she could encourage us, so that's what she did.

Which, just for the record, mom was more drunk then us both on our twenty-first and she ate everyone up in karaoke. Ms. Gina can sing girl.

As I looked but up at the lane of bleachers I was about to climb, I saw Drew staring at me. So I gave him a "Did you need something?" look.

"'Member that time mom made us do twenty pushups when we was ten?" He asked with a slight smirk.

I hummed and kept it pushing because I really didn't want him thinking that since we solved things yesterday, we were cool. We're not.

I also was trying very hard to finish quickly because I really wanted to get back home. Especially not knowing if Rell or Daja would show up to see a random woman in my house.

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