-⭒- PROLOGUE -⭒-

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[⭒The PlayCare, 1991⭒]

Thea was walking through the "Home Sweet Home" building looking for Theadore. He hadn't been around the last few days and she was starting to get worried about where he might be.


She called, peeking her head into the doorway of one of the many rooms filled with beds where the orphans slept. No answer. She sighed and rubbed her arm, looking down at the ground. She walked back outside where the other kids were all playing with some of the adults.

She walked over to one of the benches and sat down on it holding her head in her hands.


She looked up after hearing her name.


One of the adults was standing above her.

"Are you alright?"

The woman asked, as she sat down next to Thea and she recognized her as Cassian Fenty,

"I'm fine Ms. Fenty,"

Thea replied, "I just haven't been able to find any Theo anywhere."

She looked back at the ground as her leg bounced up and down,

"Didn't you hear?"

Cassian asked, tilting her head, "He got adopted,"

"He did?! Why didn't anyone tell me? I've been looking for him all day!"

Thea exclaimed, sitting up straight now and looking straight at Cassian.

"Well that's odd, I thought someone would've told you by now."

Cassian replied, placing a hand on Theas shoulder to try and help her calm down.

"Well I just heard that he was and the next adoption announcement (I dunno what it's called lol-) is going to be in a few days."

Thea bit her cheek and looked down at the ground again.

"Well...I just hope they found a good home for him."

She wasn't jealous, well...ok maybe she was a little bit. She's been here since she was 5 and she hadn't gotten picked while anyone she ever made friends with always did eventually. Thea sighed and covered her face with her hands.

"What if I never get out of here...?"

She muttered, Cassian looked at her with a worried expression.

"Hey don't say that, I'm sure you'll get adopted soon, maybe at the next announcement even."

She said, squeezing Thea's shoulder softly.


— — —

Thea was standing with the other children waiting for the scientists and other adults to announce who was getting adopted.

They listed off a few names and Thea was starting to lose hope.

"And our last child who will be getting adopted today is, Thea."

She looked up at the adults standing at the front of the crowd. Thea started to move to stand next to the other kids as the crowd started to disburse. The non-scientist adults left to go accompany the other children as the scientist started to lead Thea and the few other chosen kids away from the PlayCare.

Thea couldn't believe it. She was getting out of here.

— — —

A/N: Sorry Thea but quite the opposite is going to happen-
But yippee! Prologue chapter is all done! Hope you enjoy this little book I'm making (and if you want you can check out my other book as well :3 -but I am going to say, the two tones of the books are WILDLY different lmao-)

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