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(TWs: bl00d, d!sm3mb3rm3nt (sorta?), lots and lots of de@ath-)

[⭒The PlayCare, 1995⭒]

Crabby was looking around the main area of the PlayCare. The place was lit by the orange-red dinosaur-like lamps scattered around the place and the 'sky' panels from above. The full moon charm (with a crescent moon on the edge) connected to the belt around her neck thumped against her chest as she walked forward, looming over any children, and even any adults, from her height. She looked around the place once more, she couldn't help but feel like something was about to happen. The day so far had been quiet but-

Suddenly she was torn from her thoughts as an ear piercing scream came from the other side of the PlayCare. She looked over her shoulder to see CatNap starting to attack the workers.


She turned around but froze as she felt a kid hug her leg.

"What's going on Crabby?"

She asked with a shaky voice, looking up at the lilac furred cat.

"I'm not sure...but stay close ok?"

Crabby answered, kneeling down and placing a hand on the kid's head. She picked up the small girl, holding her close and started to move away to try and find the other critters.


She shouted when she found the group. "What is going on?!

DogDay turned to look at her, seemingly trying to guid the kids out of the PlayCare or at least to someplace safer.

"I-I don't know! CatNap just started attacking the workers! We're trying to get everyone to safety but I'm not sure we'll get everyone in time."

Crabby's brow furrowed and she handed the girl to DogDay,

"Here, take her. I'll go and find more people,"

Crabby started to run the other way, DogDay shouted something but she didn't hear him. She ran to another kid who was huddled next to a bench.

"C'mere I got ya,"

She said, scooping up the small kid. He looked up at her before burying his face into her chest. She ran back over to the area and set the kid down.

"Go follow Kickin, ok?"

He nodded, running over to Kickin and Crabby stood back up. She ran back to the main area seeing Hoppy standing there back to back with a worker holding a crying child in his arms before he ran the other way, probably to where DogDay was, as Hoppy tried to get CatNaps attention.


She shouted as CatNap lunged at her.


Crabby screamed, watching the rabbit get flung to the side and into a wall by CatNap, leaving a large red stain on the material. Crabby hissed and ran forwards, barreling her shoulder into him. He yelped as he stumbled back before narrowing his eyes at her and hissing.

"I thought you were to be trusted, Crabby.."

He said, his voice low as he loomed over her (only by a foot or so tho lol). She narrowed her eyes at him.

"What are you doing?! Attacking the workers, I mean sure I don't really like them either but killing them?!"

Crabby exclaimed, trying to keep CatNaps focus off of Hoppy who was slowly getting back up.

"They did this to me, they did this to us."

CatNap said, "The Prototype will save us."

He moved his head down to be level with Crabbys,

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕 [𝙾𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚍]Where stories live. Discover now