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1st person (Cassi) POV

After we had traveled further down the hallways a boss fight of sorts had ensued. Now I was running around the space trying to get to each way of blocking CatNap fast enough while Crabby and DogDay helped where they could.


I heard DogDay's voice as the two plush-like experiments looked up at the hatch on the ceiling. It had started glowing yellow and I could see CatNaps head in the cracks as it opened.

"Got it!"

I grabbed the handle with my Grab-Pack and pulled it shut, hearing CatNap hiss and retreat to find another way to us. Out of the corner of my vision I saw Crabby throw something into the right side hallway and a hissing sound as I rushed over to the right to enclose the entrance with steam. After I did this CatNap backed into the shadows and eventually disappeared.

"Hey, the timer's almost done!"

Crabby yelled, pointing at the green colored screen above the charging power outlet.


Ten seconds, I just have to live for ten more seconds. I rushed over to where Crabby and DogDay were as the seconds ticked down.








As the alarm started blaring I quickly pounded the green hand against the crackling green bulb before CatNap crawled out of the ceiling hatch pushing me back. I could feel Crabby and DogDay huddling behind me as well with Crabby putting a hand on the ground in front of me. CatNap turned his head towards us before shooting his claw towards me. I gritted my teeth and clicked the trigger that launched the green hand,


I shouted as the hand slammed into him, throwing him back a bit. Electricity sparked from his fur as he tried to stand upright again and he reached out a claw to snag me before fire erupted from him as he started running around, screaming.


I could hear Crabby cringing behind me,

"Good lord..."

I muttered moving back more, bumping into DogDay's arms in the process.

After the fire surrounding CatNap died the hatch opened again letting yellow light flood into the room and a skeletal hand slowly exited the tunnel in the hatch before coming out and opening up its fingers to CatNap as if offering a helping hand to him.


DogDay muttered, looking up at the ceiling.The large cat moved away from the hand at first before moving to be in an almost worshiping position of the hand.


DogDay -and Crabby- had put the pieces together as the hand narrowed and pulled back.


Crabby shouted, reaching out her hand but she was ultimately too late as the hand shot forward and pierced right through CatNap's head. I gasped, covering my mouth with a hand as I heard DogDay making a -dog-like- whining noise beside me. Crabby's hand slowly lowered as we all watched as the limp body of CatNap be pulled into the ceiling and then out of sight as the hatch closed.

Crabby was silent as DogDay put his head on top of my legs as tears rolled down his face. I placed my hand on his head as Crabby slowly lowered onto the floor as if she wanted to melt away into it, hiding half of her face in her arm as large tears fell from her face onto her arm and the floor.

I hesitated before putting my hand on her head as well trying to give her comfort. I looked at her, not sure what to do before looking back up at the ceiling. What had Mommy said before she had been dragged away? I cringed at the memory before the words came back to me.

"He'll make me part of him!"

Those words rang in my ears for a long time. Is that what's going to happen to CatNap now? I wasn't sure honestly. But all I know is that there's going to be something horrible in the future. And I think I might know what...

— — —

A/N: Heyyyy I'm backkkkk- sorry for leaving the story un-updated for a bit-
Anyways we're gonna get even more trauma next chapter! So be ready for that my dear readers!
(Also thank y'all so much for the 1k+ reads on this silly story of mine! I don't have anything in mind for what to do to celebrate so if you all wanna see anything lemme know!)
But as always! Have a great day/afternoon/night wherever you are!

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