-⭒- COME TO SAVE US? -⭒-

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(TWs: bl00d, little bit of g0r3)

[⭒Playhouse Prison, underneath the Playtime Co. factory, 2005⭒]
(not sure what the cannon present time is so we'll just go with this for now ^-^')

⭒Crabby's POV⭒

I was confined to the wall by multiple straps around my left arm, waist, and legs. I sighed, thinking about the others. I hoped they were safe. Although with what I had seen, and what I'd heard, mainly from CatNap, I didn't have much hope in that thought.

My head snapped up when I heard footsteps. Had CatNap come to torture me again? I watched as a silhouette of a woman walked up to the half open cell I was in. The woman looked up at me, concern and confusion all over her face, before I somewhat recognized her.

"You, you're Poppys' angel...come to save us." (Yes I'm stealing DogDays lines lol-)

I said, raising my head up a bit more, before I huffed and lowered my head down again.

"Nothing to save Angel. Not here."

The brown-haired woman's eyes were covered by her bangs but I could tell that she was studying the straps wrapped around me. I was looking down at the blood stained and clawed ground underneath me when I saw the shine of something metal become uncovered in the woman's hands. I looked up again to see that the woman had unsheathed a pocket knife, as she started to move closer to me.

I turned my head away, waiting for some sort of pain to come, all I felt that I knew was pain, but I heard the woman say,

"Hold still..."

I looked up to see the woman attempting to cut through the leather straps with the pocket knife. I raised an eyebrow. What was she doing? After a moment of silence between the two of us, the woman had cut through one of the straps, allowing me more movement of my wrists.

"...What are you doing?"

I asked, tilting my head at the woman.

"Getting you out."

She replied, moving to start working on the next strap.

"Angel, I don't think you understand."

I started,

"You're in CatNaps home, and he will not hesitate to kill you the moment he sees you down here, or anywhere really, you need to leave, you need to live. I'll only slow you down if I come with you anyways."

I said, looking back down. And even if Angel was going to get me out she was going to need a lot of time to cut through all the leather.

Just as I was thinking, my arm fell down to my side, no longer confined to the wall. I looked down at my left arm rolling my shoulder a bit to make sure I could at least still move it.

"Never mind then..."

Angel moved to start cutting at the leather around my waist. After a few more minutes the woman was able to cut through all the straps and stepped back.

"Is that all of them?"

She asked, putting away the pocket knife. I hesitantly nodded before I placed my hand on the wall behind me trying to stabilize myself as I stood.

"Do you need help?"

Angel asked, taking a step forward. I shook my head.

"No...I-I think I'll be alright."

I removed my hand from the wall and was able to balance well enough, you wouldn't imagine what that many years tied to a cell wall would do to you...

Angel seemed to recognize me but quickly hid the recognition by asking,

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