-⭒- REST -⭒-

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⭒Crabby's POV⭒

I had DogDay on my back again and was following Angel to somewhere she said could be a safe place for us to rest. I personally don't think anywhere here is 'safe' but Angel seemed confident and I was tired enough to not want to argue. We continued to walk until we made it to the Counselors office.

"In here should be safe enough..."

Angel mumbled to herself, opening the door as I followed her into the building. She continued walking through the halls until we made it to a large area that looked like a waiting room. I looked around the dimly lit room until I saw a couch,

"Over here,"

Angel said, also looking over at the couch and walking over to it. I followed suit, continuing to look around the room. There was a TV placed on a shelf in the room with a tape player sitting next to it. Angel placed her hand on the couch pressing down on it to see the stuffing coming out of multiple cuts in the top layer of fabric.

"Should still be stable enough,"

Angel said, rubbing the back of her neck and giving me a small smile. I took DogDay off of my back and set him down on the couch. It held up well enough and I sighed plopping down onto the floor in front of the couch. Angel set her GrabPack down on the ground next to me and stretched with a small groan. I rested my head on the cushions of the couch and could feel sleep trying to overtake me. I looked back at DogDay who had already seemed to have drifted off to sleep, his eyes closed (although they were just two pools of black at the moment). I looked up at the ceiling before feeling my eyes close as well.

— — —

⭒3rd POV⭒

Cassi looked over at Crabby from her spot on the floor as the mix of coffee and vanilla lingered in the air. She guessed that somehow the two's scent from their PlayCare days hadn't faded completely somehow. DogDay and Crabby have gone through so much, they probably haven't gotten any real sleep for years.

Cassi sighed and stood. The two toys were already dead asleep and she saw that the two of them were still bleeding from multiple wounds, DogDays main wound being the open end of his torso. Crabby wasn't as bad but she was still bleeding quite a bit from her right shoulder, where Cassi could only assume someone ripped off her arm quite violently. Deciding that she needed something to stop their bleeding, she took the GrabPack off of her back and started to walk out of the counselor's office.

She walked to the place her things used to be when she worked in the PlayCare. Entering the office building, she saw that multiple things had been thrown around, knocked over, or somethings being ripped to shreds. She opened the door to her old office and saw that it was still in pretty good condition. It was in the back of the whole building so maybe it was a harder target for CatNap, or whoever had done this, to get to?

She rummaged around in the drawers of her old desk looking for her old sewing kit she always had with her during her work days here. The kids would often come to her, asking her to fix any of their broken or ripped stuffed toys.

After a bit more looking, she pulled a small blue box out of the drawer.


She opened the box to see that the contents were still in good condition. She stored the box into her pocket and started to head back to the counselor's office. She was about to exit the building when she saw a CrabbyCat cutout propped against the wall, slightly obscured from view behind a fallen door. Cassi tilted her head in confusion and grabbed the cutout making sure not to break the speaker or anything.

She had found the other critters cutouts and was prepared for the worst with this one as well. She hesitated before pressing the large red button on the side of the board.

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