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3rd person POV

Cassi was sitting against the wall with Crabby laying her head on the woman's stomach as Cassi ran her hands through the cat's fur on her head and ears as she thought about all that had happened. She sighed and looked down at Crabby, not sure what to say.

DogDay had left with Poppy and Kissy, to go and 'find something' as they had said. Cassi leaned her head back against the wall looking up at the ceiling and brushing her hand over the scar covering her left eye underneath her hair.

She looked back down at the cat who had closed her eyes but Cassi knew she was still awake. She sighed again before hearing the small padding of feet. She looked to the side to see a small critter plush of CatNap waddling forwards towards the two.

Cassi leaned away from the plush at first as it continued to pad towards them. It looked up at the woman with a tilted head and squeaked. The critter didn't seem violent so she reached her hand out to the plush as she felt Crabby lift her head to look. The small plush nudged its head against Cassi's hand and made a squeaking noise.

Crabby looked at it from her place with an expression that Cassi couldn't read very well. The CatNap plush set its leg on top of Cassi's leg and made a squeaking noise again.

"Well hello to you too," Cassi chuckled, patting the plush on the head, it squeaked again and Crabby continued to look at it curiously.

"So it's not gonna try and eat us?" Crabby said, raising an eyebrow at Cassi then the plush. Cassi shrugged,

"I guess not," Cassi replied as she picked up the plush with one hand with her other still placed on top of Crabby's head. The plush looked over at Crabby before jumping onto her head and padding around her fluff (hair? I dunno-) and laying down on top of it. Crabby tensed when this happened while Cassi had to stifle a laugh,

"I guess it likes you," she said with a chuckle, "Es un poco lindo, ¿sí?" She cooed, scratching the plush under the chin, to which it made another sound, this time kinda like the mix of squeak and a purr. Crabby huffed, looking up at the plush with a softened expression,

"well if it's gonna stay on my head should we at least name it?" She asked, glancing back at Cassi.

"Hmm, it looks kinda like CatNap doesn't it?" She hummed, continuing to scratch the plushies chin. Crabby nodded slightly, "So maybe that?"

"Mmm, I guess." Crabby muttered sitting up straight. The plush squeaked in surprise as it slid off of her head but she quickly caught it in her palm looking down at it before sighing and putting it back on her head.

"Well alright, welcome to the team mini CatNap." Cassi said, looking up at the small cat who squealed happily in response.

"Cassi!" The two turned to see Poppy, who had called Cassi, Kissy, and DogDay standing (well not DogDay I guess-) at the corner of the wall on the opposite side of the room. Cassi stood and Crabby followed as the plush nestled further into her fluff so as to not fall off again.

"I've got something that you need to see." Poppy said as Cassi walked over to her while DogDay crawled over to Crabby. Cassi saw the two starting to talk about the CatNap plush. After that Crabby grabbed DogDay by the arm and hoisted him onto her back so he didn't have to crawl around anymore.

The two toys walked over to Cassi and the group was lead to another room.

— — —

A/N: alrighty, y'all ready for the angst next chapter?
Also- the next chapter will probably be either the last or second to last chapter •v•

Anyways have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are ^v^

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