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⭒Cassi's POV⭒

After I had gotten the key that Ollie had sent, me, Crabby, and DogDay had gone to the front area of the counselors office (the room they had been in was a room built off to the side).

I opened the door and walked inside with the two toys following behind me. The hallway was painted yellow and it was pretty dim in most areas, with parts being lit up by lamps hung from the ceiling (although they didn't give much light).

Further down the hallway, there was a room behind a door and a broken wall filled with red smoke. I covered my mouth just in case. There was a small sound that came from the room and I peered in to see a Bunzo toy stumbling forward before it fell, probably being affected by the smoke. I tilted my head in confusion, before CatNap snatched up the toy and ran to the other side of the room, disappearing into the shadows.

I gasped and covered my mouth with my other hand as well, stepping back and bumping into Crabby's leg in the process. Crabby looked down at me before looking back into the room. Her ears perked up and pointed to the green square on the back wall of the room.

I looked at where she was pointing and saw a battery. I pressed the trigger on my GrabPack picking up the green battery with the blue hand. I looked around before seeing a door with a place for a battery connected to it.

I walked over and placed the battery into the square hole in the wall and the door opened revealing a dark hallway with red light at the end.

"Well that's not horribly ominous,"

I muttered to myself before starting to walk down the hallway as Crabby followed. DogDay was looking at the words carved into the wall as he was on Crabby's back. I looked around at the dead end of the hallway before a faint yellow glow caught my gaze.

I looked up and saw a handle on the ceiling where I could pull myself up. I bit my tongue before looking back at the two toys behind me.

"I think the only way is up,"

I said. Crabby nodded and DogDay said,

"We'll find another way around,"

Crabby started to travel back the way they all came and I grabbed the yellow pole on the ceiling with the blue hand. I pulled myself up and moved through the small area before landing on a grate being held up by some cables. There was a purple jump pad to get across the cavern below. I sighed and ran up to it launching myself across the area and landing on the area across.

— (a few puzzles later) —

After I powered my way through a puzzle, I made it to another part of the office. It was a medium sized office, it looked similar to the other room I had found, and I looked around before I saw a pink tape on the desk.

I tilted my head in confusion before I picked it up and placed it into the tape player below the TV in the room.

"Oh, Mr. And Mrs. Hartman? Come on in! Please, have a seat!"

I stood in front of the TV, hearing the voice of a woman, someone I assumed I had worked with, welcoming a couple into her office.

"How was your ride down?"

I looked around the room once again, rocking back and forth on my feet.

"It was uh.. nothing like we were expecting."

A male voice spoke, as I returned my attention to the TV.

"Mr. Ludwig's speech was...well, it just confirms for us that you're the orphanage we want to go through."

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕 [𝙾𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚍]Where stories live. Discover now