-⭒- THE TRUTH -⭒-

272 7 6

(TWs: bl00d, de@th, g0r3?)

⭒3rd person POV⭒

After being led to a dim room Poppy had disappeared into the vents above them, with Kissy waiting anxiously. Cassi stood back with Crabby and DogDay as they all waited for Poppy. Crabby was watching as the CatNap plush walked around her legs occasionally rubbing its head against them.

"Cassi," The woman looked up at Poppy as she heard her voice. She quickly stood, seeing the doll was holding a tape. "This, this is your answer. You came back looking for your co-workers, friends, your father." Poppy paused before sighing and moving the tape towards the player. "This is all you need to see."

"Wait, Angel," DogDay moved over to her side looking worried, "are you sure you want to see this...?" He looked at her and she nodded, patting his shoulder.

"I'm sure, I've come this far and I need to know what happened." She heard Crabby walking up behind her, so she looked up at the cat who looked back down at her with a worried look as well.

"Are you really sure?" Crabby asked, Cassi nodded again and DogDay sighed. Poppy nodded slightly and put the tape in,

"We called it, 'The Hour of Joy'." Poppy muttered looking off to the side. Cassi stared at the TV as static appeared. However this didn't last long as the image of Huggy standing on his podium appeared. But the peace of the video quickly vanished as Huggy started attacking the workers, throwing them to the side. The video quickly changed with a second of static before showing Mommy Long Legs grabbing workers from the ground, lifting them in the air and dropping them down.

The scene changed again showing a worker running from CatNap before being slapped aside and chased after by the cat. It then showed a worker running down a flight of stairs as a bunch of the mini critters chased after and jumped on him as he fell, immediately getting torn apart by the things. Cassi covered her mouth as a wave of nausea and dread washed over her. Crabby was staring at the screen while DogDay looked off to the side. The TV showed a few more gruesome scenes before it ended,

"Wait, where's my dad? Where is my dad?!" She shouted looking up as Poppy,

"He was with us..." DogDay muttered, making Cassi look over at him,

"...What happened?" She asked, seeing his expression wasn't giving her much hope. DogDay turned his head to face her. DogDay paused before sighing,

"He was with Hoppy at first..."


Hoppy and Héctor were back to back as other workers and kids were running around. The other smiling critters were trying to get kids out of the PlayCare and somewhere safe.

"Héctor! Go! Get the girl to safety!" Hoppy shouted to the man, the girl in his arms was crying and shaking but she wasn't injured thankfully.

"And leave you?!" He shouted back, Hoppy turned to look at him and nodded.

"I'll be fine! Just get her and yourself to safety!" Hoppy answered, Héctor clicked his tongue in frustration but nodded and started to run.

"You better stay safe!" He shouted over his shoulder. Hoppy hardly heard him as her eyes locked to where CatNap stood.

All he heard were screams and shouts as he ran before slamming into DogDays back making them both yelp. DogDay turned around to see Héctor rubbing his face while still holding the girl close.

"Héctor! Is she ok? Are you okay?" DogDay asked, speaking fast.

"We're both fine, but here, take her." Héctor handed the girl to the dog, turning back around to try and run off to find more people but DogDay stopped him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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