GRIAN IS A PARROT (no clickbait!!!!! 😱😱😱) - scarian? fluff?

230 3 12

no beta, we die like jason todd

yall this took so long, im sorry

season 7

wc: 1230


- 3rd Peson POV -

A slight rain drizzled upon the Hermitcraft server, it wasnt uncommon but it was still cold. Most Hermits stayed inside due to that fact, but not Grian. He always loved the rain and the snow, he basically grew up in it. So, as the other Hermits were cuddled around a fire, sipping hot coco, Grian bared the wet and cold breath of Amphitrite.

It wasn't the best idea, Grian didn't care. He totally got sick, but the work he got caught up on was well worth it. Grian snatched his rockets from a nearby shulker box and equipped his elytra in a swift motion. Skipping up until he caught a gust of wind, Grian was up. He set off a firework and started heading over to the shopping district, shulkers in inventory and rain pelting his face.

As the golden-haired Hermit neared the shopping district, the rain picked up slightly. Grian landed and almost slipped on the ever-muddying paths that Scar had put in place. The paths were pretty, sure, just not made with heavy rain in mind. He regained his balance and started sloshing his way over to the barge. He let out a sigh of relief as he entered the shop, it harbored some shelter for the now soaking hermit.

Since the barge was built on a body of water, Grian wasn't too worried about drainage issues. In fact, he had prebuilt a drainage system into the floor of the barge, incase of heavy rain. Grian opened the chest of sand and began to unload all his stock into it. Once he finished restocking all his chests, he exited the shop and walked down the shopping district paths.

His back ached slightly, Grian figured it was from leaning down so much. The rain had let up to a sprinkle while he was restocking. Grian took this as the perfect opportunity to check out the new shops in the district. He had been too preoccupied not building the back of his base to really look at the shops. As he walked down the paths, his back ached even more. He brushed it off as he took off into the sky, spamming rockets.

Grian was nearing the jungle as a huge wave of pain swept through his upper back. He stumbled a bit in the sky before sorely regaining control and setting off another rocket. He had to ice that when he got back home, the G-man thought to himself. After a few more minutes, he landed in front of his mansion and walked inside. His stride was faltered due to the immense pain his back was feeling. Once Grian got to his room, he ripped his sweater off so fast that it would give anyone watching whiplash. He then collapsed onto his bed and tried to sleep. It wasn't super late but mobs had been spawning.

For hours, Grian was tossing and turning, unable to find a comfortable spot in bed. He finally got fed up and got into the shower. While he was showering, the blood under him was getting stained a light red. Grian's eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat when he looked down and saw red pooling under him. Now that he thought about it, his back didn't hurt nearly as bad as it had been all day. He ran his hand up his back and stopped when he felt a small, feathery mass inbetween his shoulder blades.

Grian quickly got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. Rushing over to the mirror, he turned around and saw two small, red parrot wings sticking out of his back. Grian's brain didn't work for a few seconds after he realized what was happening. He snatched his communicator and quickly typed out a typo-infused message to Scar.

-With Scar-

Scar's communicator pinged with a new message, it was from Grian. Much like Grian, Scar was working through the rain.

<Grian> sar plz hlep much pin and wing

It took Scar a second to decode it, but once he did, he was speeding over to Grian's base. He skidded to a stop, trying to not fall on the landing, and regained his balance from the impact. He broke into a full sprint once he was balanced enough. Scar almost tripped up the stairs and burst into Grian's room, who snapped his head up. Grian was completely shirtless but Scar had to overlook that fact for the time being, even though he didn't want to. Grian basically leaped into Scar's arms and hugged him tightly. On the other end, Scar was burning up from his crush hugging him, shirtless. After a few minutes, Scar could feel Grian tense up and whimper a bit. He looked down and saw Grian's wings adjusting and pulling more of itself out from under his skin. Scar winced and decided that he didn't want to see that, so he focused on Grian.

The waffle-haired hermit squeezed Scar with all the strength that he could muster. Grian whimpered louder as more of his wings slid out from his skin. Scar was closing his eyes because he would get nausea if he watched. With one final push, Grian's wings were all the way out of his skin. His wingspan was 14 feet across, each wing was 7 feet long. A wet slap was heard on the ground as Grian's wings hit the floor. Feeling it was safe, Scar peeked and saw bloodied parrot wings hanging off of Grian's back. Scar picked up the parrot and carried him over to his bathtub.

Scar set Grian on the toilet as he started to run some lukewarm water. Grian seemed to be out of it, either tired or otherwise. Once the bathtub was full, Scar transferred Grian from the toilet to the tub. Grian shivered at the new feeling, partially snapping out of his trance. Scar started scooping up water with his hands and running it over Grian's wings. After a few passes on each wing, Scar thought the cleaning job was good enough for the time being. He then lifted Grian out of the water, with a bit of struggle. As he was grabbing a towel, Grian hugged Scar again, slightly surprising the elf. Scar didn't care that he was now soaking, he just cared that Grian was comfortable.

Scar finished drying the smaller's wings and carried him over to his bed. Tucking him in, Scar messaged Xisuma about Grian's new addition. Scar figured X would know more about this, being an admin and all. Scar was about to leave when he heard Grian stir and call his name. Scar stopped, then he turned around and walked over to the bed. Grian was still asleep, however he still seemed dissatisfied. Scar draped his body over Grian as he sighed with relief. Drifting off into darkness, Scar and Grian fell asleep. A few minutes later, a snap of a screenshot was heard as you could hear X chuckle.



felt like shit all day but i am feeling a lot better now!

i might take a week or two off, this book is kinda just stressing me out about releasing the oneshots on time

i also am running out of ideas, so requests are heavily welcomed

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