they didn't mean it - clownzy hurt+comfort

421 11 18

SEASON 3 (i have not watched all the way through, so i apologize if anything is wrong)

wc: 1297 


Clownpierce sighed as he was finally able to walk away from Reddoons, he was ranting about some battle strategy Clown stopped paying attention to 10 minutes ago. Walking down one of the paths that spawn had to offer, Clown made his way back to his circus. He stifled a scratchy groan as he heard his name being called from behind him. He quickly did a 180 and saw  Parrot running after him.

"Hey Clown!" Parrot greeted, a gleeful look on his face. As much as he did not want to admit it, Clown and Parrot had been becoming good friends.

"Hey, Parrot." Clown responded, a more dead expression clouding his face. It wasn't that he didn't want to see Parrot, he was just very tired and very looking forward to sleep.

Parrot started talking about a plan to ambush McClutch or something, Clown was too tired to care. He was very thankful thats his mask was on, he had an irrational fear that people would think he was being rude, when in reality, he just had a very prominent RBF. Clown's body language became more tired and uninterested after at least 5 minutes of Parrot talking. He seemed to miss the hint, as he kept explaining his plan. 

Clown was growing more impatient and antsy by the second, he just wanted Parrot to stop talking. He felt his emotions getting louder, his chest tightened as he felt like he was about to cry. Now, Clown wasn't one to cry about a small inconvenience, but he had been up since 3:00 a.m. and it was about 11:00 p.m. now. His half awake brain thought it would be a great idea to let all of his emotions run wild. Anger, Frustration, Sleeplessness, Annoyance. Clown wasn't really sure what he was doing, he just was.

"Will you please just shut up already?" Clown snakily remarked at Parrot. He immediately regretted what he said but before he could respond, Parrot did.

"Okay, and? At least I like how I look," Parrot remarked, a look of dissatisfaction covered the avian's face.

Clown took a step back, not believing what Parrot has just said to him. Parrot just stood there, his eyes seemed to scan Clown's body for any sign of insecurity. Unfortunately, he found many. Clown's head was now angled slightly down, his arms were crossed over his chest, his legs were locked out. Maybe the last one wasn't insecurity, but it was a sign of Clown feeling uneasy. Parrot's face still remained the same, almost as if he had meant what he said to Clown.

After standing there for a bit, Clown's thoughts erupted into his head.

Did he mean it?

Is he right?

Do I believe him?

Does he hate me?

Clown's feet started to move on their own, speed-walking him away from Parrot. He was headed the way of his circus. It was still about a 10 minute walk from where he had encountered Parrot, not too far but still a while. Clown was just hoping that nobody would come to talk to him anymore. After blowing up on Parrot, he didn't think he could handle another social interaction.

"Clown!" yelled someone, Clown couldn't make out the voice. He was too deep into his thoughts.

"Clown~" the voice said agin, trying to get his attention. To Clown it sounded like they were mocking him.

"Clownpierce!" the voice yelled one last time. Finally pulling Clown out of his rabbit hole of thoughts, he recognized the voice as Spoke.

He wasn't in the mood to talk to Spoke right now, Spoke tended to be more of a chaotic person. Clown kept walking, trying to brush him off until he heard Spoke running after him. 

"Trying to get away I see!" Spoke said in a mock-Yoda voice. Clown would have thought it was funny, he just wasn't in the mood.

"Could you not right now?" Clown said, trying to sound nice. Instead, Spoke took it the wrong way.

"Okay, what is up with you? First you ignore me, then you don't laugh at my bad joke, then you start being a bitch. So what's the deal?" Spoke confronted.

"I guess I'm just not in the mood," Clown replied, "Now if you excuse me, I have to get back to my circus."

"Damn, okay, jeez," Spoke surrendered.

This just made Clown feel worse, as if he had also driven Spoke away. Clown just wanted to get back to his circus and let his tears flow. He wanted to sit in the dark and cry, not being seen or heard my anyone. Not being mocked, not being talked to. He just wanted to cry. Luckily nobody bothered him the rest of the way back.

Once his circus was in eyeshot, Clown's tears started to run. He was sniffling, reflecting on the two interactions he just had. He had also began to unbuckle his mask, not taking it off though. As soon as the doors shut behind him, he ripped his helmet off and started sobbing. He didn't look at the room beforehand, he also didn't see Branzy standing there. In a bit of a shocked haze, Branzy just stood there like a deer in headlights. He had never seen Clown cry, not like this.

Once he regained his senses, he walked over to Clown. Rubbing his hand on Clown's back, he started whispering to Clown. Mostly things like, "Your okay now," and "What happened,". Clown peeked his head out of his knees, looking at Branzy. 

"They hate me."

This statement broke Branzy, not because of the words. It was the way he said it, he said it with so much sureness that Branzy was about to start crying.

"I'm sure that's not the truth, why don't you tell me what happened?" Branzy asked.

"So, I was talking to Red *hic* Reddons, and then I walked *hic* away. Then Parrot *hic* came up to me *hic* and started talking, I *hic* wasn't paying attention, I was just *hic* so tired. Then I told him to *hic* shut up. Then he insulted *hic* me. Then Spoke came up and *hic* started interrogating me. And now they hate *hic* me." Clown said, his tears not stopping.

Branzy, the empath of the server, asked him, "I'm sure they don't."

"They do! Parrot was so *hic* mean." Clown stuttered out.

"What did he say to you?" Branzy asked.

"He said that 'at least he likes *hic* the way he looks'." Clown cried.

Branzy just engulfed Clown in a hug, it may have been a pity hug but neither of them cared. Branzy started to lead Clown in some breathing exercises, which helped a lot. Clown's breathing was steady, and he could mostly talk normally. However, Clown was extremely tired, physically and mentally. So, he basically fell asleep in Branzy's arms.

Branzy sighed, picking Clown up bridal style. He debated on whether to bring Clown to his bed or putting him back in his own room. He decided that tonight was a night for some cuddles. Struggling up to his room, Branzy took them up the stairs and into a hallway. After fidgeting with the door handle a bit, it popped open. Branzy walked through the doorframe and over to his bed. Setting Clown down and taking his shoes off, Branzy smiled. He took off his own shoes and climbed into bed with Clown. The dried tears on Clown's face just made him that much more beautiful, Branzy thought. God he was in love with that boy, just no nerve to tell him. Branzy drifted off into sleeping thinking about how much he loved the clown that was lying next to him.



how'd you guys like it?

if you cant tell, clown is my favorite character/ though he could be tied with reddoons.

remember to make a request and have a great day/night!

stay hydrated

-boomcat <3

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