14) Too Hot To Handle

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"Tra~la~, how do you think I look?" I ask, giving a little spin.

"Chef's kiss. You're so hot it ain't winter anymore. You're bringing the summer sun back. Damn you're hot, babe," Bailey says, as she takes my hand and twirls me. I take her hand and dance with her, my hands on her waist.

"Oooh, playing with fire are we?" She says, picking me up and throwing me on the bed.

She gets on top of me, tickling my waist.

"BAHAHAHAHA! STOP IT!!!" I Squeal, as I pull her towards me and we both squeal with laughter, hugging each other.

"I don't need any birthday present babe, as long as I've got your company, I'm the happiest," I tell Bailey, who strokes my hair.

"That's all great and all, but your precious lover boy is waiting for you in the bar, prolly wanting to do something fiery afterwards, since you're sharing the room," Bailey says as a matter-of-factly.

"What?" I ask, all serious.

"Yeah. You guys are staying together. I figured Anya and I could share a bedroom, and prolly Juan and Jay. Provided they don't get into doing something naughty," Bailey sniggers, pouring herself a glass of wine from the wine cabinet.

"Stop drinking so much! And why didn't you tell me I was sleeping with Adam? What if he expects something to happen?" I ask her, terrified at the thought.

"Well, let it happen babe. It's not like he's a stranger. He's your boyfriend. And you love him. He won't hurt you or anything, I'm sure he'll be extra careful. Men are rough when it comes to that sort of thing, but I'm sure he can make exceptions for you-" she rambles on.

"Okay okay!!!" I cut her off.

"I know you're an expert in that field while I'm in my apprenticeship, but still. I'm terrified, and I don't think I'll be able to do it with him." I tell her, rubbing my forehead.

"He'll get turned on when he sees you in that dress, for sure," Bailey says.

"That's uh..exactly what I'm afraid of," I say looking at myself in the mirror.

Goddamn it, I look good.

I usually don't compliment myself so much, just coz it feels very narcissistic of me, but today, even I can't help thinking that I look hot.

"Well, staring at yourself in the mirror isn't going to help. And wait, let's fix your hair. Since your hair's curly, I wonder what style would suit you..." Bailey says, pondering.

"Hmm, sit on the bed. I'll make sure it's simple yet beautiful." She says, taking me towards the bed.

After a bit of this and that, she says,

"Aaaand done. Look in the mirror," Bailey says.

 Look in the mirror," Bailey says

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"Oooh, it looks super cute." I exclaim, turning this way and that and striking poses.

"Okay okay, I get it sistah, but that's enough. Let's go. And for the finale, put these on," she says, as a pair of wonderful shoes emerges from her back.

"Just how much have you spent on me??" I ask her, bewildered and amused at the same time

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"Just how much have you spent on me??" I ask her, bewildered and amused at the same time.

"I haven't spent anything! I mean, I have, but it's all for you. So don't act like you feel guilty and all that shit because it's literally for you. Tonight's about you! Understand that, wipe that frown off your face, and get a damn move on!" Bailey says, as she drags me to the dressing table.

She puts a lil makeup on, a touch up here and there and Et voilà!

"Now hurry up you beauty," Bailey says, pulling me towards the bedroom door.

We both rush towards the elevator. A bellboy is already in it, with heavy luggage of who knows which person. He stares at us both, open mouthed.

"Um, hi," I say nervously.

He blushes, looking at me in disbelief, as though I'd done something great. He bows three times, and I smile awkwardly.

After this very awkward and weird encounter in the elevator, Bailey and I practically run towards the cocktail bar.

We see Juan approaching us from a distance. Once he looks at us, he keeps looking. With a shocked expression too.

"I was looking for the two of you. God you took your own sweet time -" he eyes me up and down, "Worth it though, Boss, you look spectacular!" He says, almost checking me out.

"Um, thanks," I say, not knowing how to react.

"Don't forget she's your boss. Stop making eyes at her. She's already got a boyfriend." Bailey snaps, grabbing me by my elbow and walking off in a huff.

"I was only admiring her beauty. Don't worry though, I've got someone else in mind!" Juan calls out, as I smirk, nudging Bailey.

She ignores it.

At the bar, Jay has started ordering drinks for everyone. Anya and Adam are having a conversation about God knows what.

As we enter the bar, Adam looks at me. He does a double take. Triple even.

He's in a trance.

"Wow." He whispers, coming to me.

I smile at him. He smiles back in a really attractive way.

Why do I feel the butterflies?

"Well darling, you took my breath away." He says to me, grabbing me by my waist.

I look up at him, my head tilted upwards.

"God Adam," I whisper back.

He kisses me right there and then.

In front of everyone.



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