22) Pleasant Interactions

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Taehyung looks at me for a good 30 seconds, as if trying to figure out whether he recognises me or not.

I look at him too, but for less time, because I can't do this. I can't look him in the eye for a long time, without causing unwanted attention and a number of rumours being spread like wildfire about a famous idol staring at a photographer.

Imagine! It'll be all across the various social media platforms. His fans will hate me.

And that's why, I look away, capturing a few more photos, and then leaving Row - 9. I quickly glance back at him, but he's got his attention elsewhere. I sigh.

I rub my forehead, trying to figure out the perfect angle for clicking pictures, testing out the lens aperture.

The line, shape, form, texture, color, size and depth are the seven basic elements of photographic art.

They all need to be incorporated into taking that one perfect photo, which is captured and the meaning is conveyed to the people.

As I think this, I feel a shadow hovering behind my back, trying to get a peek of my photos. I immediately lower my camera, and turn around to find Kevin Park.

I take a step back, letting him know that he's invading my personal space, and stand within a distance of 1 meter.

"What're you doing, Mr. Kevin?"
I ask him firmly, letting him know that I'm not a person he can mess around with.

He takes this sportingly, a cheeky smirk on his face. His demeanor somehow reflects bold confidence.

But I won't let that get in the way, will I?

"Your tone is quite harsh, Miss Y/n. I didn't mean to be condescending in Mr. Seo's presence. I only wanted to know if we were working with the best team too, as we, quite rightly are, one of the top companies.

And clearly, by your reaction to our terms, you aren't willing to co-operate with us.

And it's certainly understandable. If Any other team would have heard of them working with us, they would've agreed to those terms. But not you!

You're smart, Miss Y/n, I'll give you that. I'm willing to drop those terms, if we get a chance to work together. " He replies to me.

"Are you quite finished? Has anybody ever told you, Mr. Kevin, that you talk too much?

And I'm getting late as it is, so I'll get back to you if I can.

Unlike some people, I'd actually like to get back to my work, instead of demeaning other people's professional background and praising one's own brand."

I snap, and flounce off, without bothering to give him a second glance.

If he plays his game his way, then I'll play mine the way I want to. There's no need for him to be so supercilious. If he continues to do so, the he'll have me to answer to.

I pack my equipment and go to the other side of the busy wedding hall. I click some pretty pictures of the decorations and the wedding guests. They all seem to be having a good time.

Sigh, but what about my turmoil?

Why did I have to run into Kim Taehyung? Okay, I know it's a big billionaire's wedding and I also partially expected that he'd be here, because of the attendance of so many other celebrities.

But still, I could've avoided him. I could've stayed in the shadows and captured anyone but him. But no, I had to run right into him and capture his photos, while he looked me in the eye.

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