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Chanyeol feel so bad and useless when you sob in his hug.

"Omo, is that Chanyeol oppa from exo ? "some of the girls notice his presence in the airport .

Then the fans gather around you and him asking lots of questions that made you feel dizzy.

"Oppa why is she crying? "

"Oppa are you going to marry her? "

"Oppa are you leaving Korea? "

All Chanyeol do was just bury your head in his chest so that he won't lose you in the crowd.

You almost trip and fell since you can't see where you're going.

As a conclusion, Chanyeol hug you up in bridal style and causes every single fan girl to scream.

"You're my to-be wife, so I can hug you right? " he wink at you.

"Kyaaaaaa! "the fan girls shouted.

"I'm dying, he's so gentleman! "

"They looked so good together! "

"Let's go before I'm exhausted "he whispered to your ears.

You nodded and bury your face in his collarbone and doze off quickly since you run and cry so much just now.

After a long ride, you and Chanyeol was finally reached the exo's mansion.

"Omo, you OK Jasmine, you look so pale "chen ask you while opening the door.

"It's such a disaster! " Chanyeol said while lying on the coach.

"I have left some food for you and chanyeol, do you feel like eating? "D. O ask.

"Yes, thanks " you said before heading to the dining room.

Dining room

"Eat more, look how skinny you are "Chanyeol said while putting a big piece of meat into your bowl.

You do the same thing to him too,

"Eat more, so you could carry me longer oppa " you teased him and causes him to blush

"Yah, what did you call me? "he said still blushing like a tomato.

"Oppa? " you said not knowing what was happening.

Then he laugh out loudly and causes every single member at the living room staring at you and him.

"Nothings wrong, don't worry "he said while shaking both of his hand.

Then the members look away and continue watching TV at the living room.

"They look so close already "Kai mumbled.

"She even call him oppa " chen complain.

"Yah, are you guys jealous of Chanyeol? "Suho ask.

"Who don't?! "Kai almost yelled.

"I don't, cause she'll fall for me eventually at the end" Kris said proudly.

"I feel like puking already "Baekhyun said and made all of the members laugh.

Finally you and Chanyeol was done eating and join the members to watch a movie.

You sit on the couch with Chanyeol and Luhan.

"Want some popcorn? " Luhan offered while handing you a box of popcorn.

You nodded and took over the box of popcorn, then Chanyeol spotted it and eat the whole box.

"Yah, Park Chanyeol, it's for Jasmine, not for you " Luhan complain.

"But I share some with her"he answer while making a puppy face.

" Ya, right you share five pieces of them to her"Luhan teased.

"Ani, it's OK I have enough popcorn already "you said.

"Jasmine shi, you shouldn't pamper this kid here anymore, cause he's already spoiled "Luhan said.

You chuckle a little and then baekhyun came over and start to bomb you with lots of questions.

"Jasmine shi, can I ask how old are you? "

"I'm 19" you replied

"That means you're the mangnae! "he said happily and started to claps his hand.

"Could you just be quiet? "Chen said while looking annoyed.

"ok, alright I'm sorry " Baekhyun said.

Few minutes later, he seems to forgot his promise and started to talk again.

"Do you know how to play instruments? "

"No, I don't know any of them"ypu answer while shrugging your shoulder.

"Aaah, I see then what is your favorite colour? "he ask.

"Purple "you said while smiling at him.

"Can you call me oppa too? " he said while he was blushing.

"Ya, Byun Baekhyun! "chen yelled.

"Aaah, Mian I forgot to shut up"he said while covering his mouth with both of his hand.

You chuckle at his clumsiness and you fulfil his request.

"You should keep quiet when you're watching a movie, Baekhyun oppa "you whisper.

He smiled sweetly when he heard what you call him and he didn't realise that he was actually blushing.

Few hours later, the members were tired and feel sleepy.

Some of them sleep on the floor while some was still focusing on the TV.

You were tired too after crying so much at the airport.

You wanted to sleep, but, you also wanted to watch the ending of the movie, so you keep making yourself awake.

Chanyeol realize you're sleepy,

"Do you want to go to bed? "he ask

"Ani, I wanted to know the ending "you said before yawning like a hippo.

Then he chuckled and continue to stuff more popcorn to his mouth and enjoying the movie.

You were half asleep and tried so hard to control your head's direction, but then you failed and landed on Chanyeol's shoulder.

He didn't push you away, he keep watching the movie until the end so that he could talk about it with you tomorrow.

At last the movie ended and all of the exo's members were sleeping around on the floor in the living room.

He close the TV with the remote control and slowly put on his jacket on you before dozzing off on your head.

It felt so warm that night, when you're sleeping on his shoulder.

You never felt that safe before even when you're sleeping on T.O.P's broad shoulders in the past.

He was different, so much so that you couldn't even tell it yourself.

You wish that you could always sleep on his shoulder so that you won't have to worry about can't going to bed early .

The night was cold and freezy, but then it's the opposite side in the exo's mansion.

Their caring and loving makes you feel comfortable around them and you actually don't hate them from making T.O.P to run away from you.

Then you heard his whisper before he and you dozed off completely .

"I love you, Jasmine "Chanyeol whisper .

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