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"Cheong Tam Dong, please" Kai said to the driver as long as you and him got on the taxi.

"Why are we running? " you ask still panting for air.

"So, they can't follow us" he answered and chuckle.

"They plan to follow us!? " you said in disbelief.

"Yes, I heard baekhyun and chanyeol hyung was disguising about it before I headed to take a shower " Kai said.

"Well I bet they are mad at us now" you said and laugh out loudly.

"Here, put on this wig so our fans will not recognize us easily " he said while handing you the wig.

"This is so weird " you look at the wig that he gave to you.

"Well, we have no choice " he said while wearing the wig on his head.

"Hahahahaha,you look so weird, they will probably recognize us"you said.

"You have arrive, 1200 won please" the driver said.

"Let's just go in normaly " you pull him out of the taxi right after he pay the taxi bill.

You didn't notice he was actually blushing when you pull him out of the taxi.

After walking for a while, he then stop blushing and hold your hand even tighter.

You feel the pressure and ask him,

"Wae? "you turn around and look into his eyes.

"Hold on tight, so I won't lost you in the crowd "he said and shot you a warm smile.

Then finally you and Kai successfully got away from the crowd and enter the theater.

"Put this on so you won't catch a cold" he said whole putting a pink scarf around tour neck.

It's a pink scarf that have a k at the end of it, he then wear a blur One around his neck that have a j at the end of it.

You can't help but giggle at how cute his attitude was.

Then someone notice you and him in the theater.

"Omo, is that Kai oppa? "a girl said while starring at you and him.

"So that's the girl who is engaged to them" another girl says.

You were scared and worried, he knew how you feel so he hold your hand tightly and look you in your eyes.

"It's fine, don't worry" he whispered.

There's only few people in the theater and that made you more relieved.

The movie finally started, he was eating popcorn at first and slowly he was bored.

He lied his head on your shoulder and smiling happily.

"Ya, there's still people around " you tried to push him away from you.

"I know" he says weakly like he was sick.

"Kai? "you call him as you thought he was sick.

"Miss me already? " he chuckled

"A-Ani, I'm not " you blush and stop pushing him.

"I feel peaceful and safe when you're beside me" he says and hug your waist.

Then something flashy catch your attention, then you saw some of his fans were taking photo of you and him.

"Kai, they are taking photo already, wake up" you said feeling worried.

"Don't worry, you're my wife after all" he says and doze off

You sigh and focus on the movie and ignore the fans.

Hours later

"Kai oppa, Kai oppa" you wake him up while shaking his shoulder

"It ends already? " he said while scrubbing his eyes.

"let's go somewhere else " he said and pull you out from the theater and straight to the night market nearby.

"It's so crowded! " you said in the crowd not realising that he is gone.

You're totally stuck in the crowd alone,

"Kai, Kai where are you " you push through the crowd but still lost.

Someone tap on your shoulder, you turn around and thought it was Kai, but it isn't.

"Hi, sweetie, are you lost, well you can hang out with us" a young gang of teenage boys surround you.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in joining you, I'm in a hurry"you said trying to get away from them.

"Hey, don't go let's just be friends "one of them says and hold your wrist.

"Don't touch me! " you yelled at him and struggle to get away.

The boys was laughing at you since you're just to weak to get away from him.

Then you bit his hand that made him let go of your wrist.

He was pissed, he storm infront of you and raise his hand ready to slap your face, you close your eyes and wait for the pain.

But then someone embrace you in his hug and the crowd went silent immediately.

"Didn't she tell you to stop touching her" a familiar voice spoke up.

You open your eyes and saw Chanyeol's big face.

"It's fine, don't worry we are here now they can't hurt you " he whispered while still embracing you in his hug.

You could see that a tall boy in a hoodie was holding the gangster's hand,he was tall like a model.

They were all in their hoodie, the crowds couldn't recognize them but you can

It was them ,you know it when you started counting the number of hoodie standing around you.

"1,2..5..6..8..10..12" you whisper

"Hey, who are you guys to stop me !?" the gangster yelled.

"Don't you know who are we? " another hoodie boy said

"Show up yourself like a men than hiding in those hoodie! " he yelled somemore.

Then 12 of them take of their hoodie and make the crowd go crazy.

"Now you know us? " Chen said.

"Don't you feel ashamed of teasing a girl in public?"baekhyun said while still starring at him with those fierce eyes.

The boys were scared, they didn't know it's them Just Now.

"Don't you ever dare touch her again " Kris let go of His hand and warn him.

"Remember that she's ours " Luhan added

"Now go before we break all your bones here" tao said cracking his nuckles.

Then the boys run away as fast as they could.

"You OK? " Chanyeol ask when he notice that hat you're so quiet.

Without realizing, you was crying in his hug a baby.

"Wae, are you hurt, do you want to go to the hospital? " Xiumin asked.

"Ani, I'm not hurt it's just...it's very touching, Thank you" you said wiping away the tears on your face.

You were crying because it feel so Good knowing that there is still someone on earth who is willing to take care of you and protect you.

"Mian, I don't know that you're lost in the crowd just now" Kai apologize.

"Ani, it's just too crowded " you said

"So next time don't date with him secretly " baekhyun teased.

All of them were laughing so hard before going back to the mansion.

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