
104 9 12

Authors Note:

Hey guys I am so sorry it has taken this long to give you an update! But my MacBook broke and was taken off to be repaired and it just took forever! I am also in the process of moving house so I really haven't had much down time. But here it is...chapter 12! Enjoy :)


(Brittany's POV)

"...And then she said I should leave. That this whole thing needs to be treated right, otherwise if it isn't, she doesn't know how we can remain friends." I gently sob to Rachel and Quinn as we are all sat squished together on their couch, me in the middle of the two of them. I had to explain everything to them. "Britt, everything will be okay. She probably just needs some time?" Rachel says, stroking her fingers through my hair as she eyeballs Quinn for reassurance to back her. "Yeah, we all know how brash Santana can be. Give her time, she will be ok." Quinn adds. "I don't know you guys, this is pretty heavy." I say, thankful of their efforts but not convinced in the slightest. "You should have seen the way she looked at me, how she spoke to me. Santana has never, ever treated me like that." I can feel myself getting upset all over again. "It's almost 6:00am" why don't you go and take yourself off to bed okay? Get some sleep. The tiredness won't be helping." Quinn says, patting my knee. "You're right. Thank you both again so much." I get up off the couch and head down the hall to the spare room where I will be staying for the foreseeable. 

(Santana's POV)

"...Babe?" I am pulled from my deep daydream by Gia. "Sorry, what's up?" I say looking at Gia in the drivers side. "Want any snacks from the gas station?" she asks me. "Uh sure, get whatever." I say forcing a small smile. Gia and I are going up to the Hamptons to visit her parents for a couple of days, I am hoping it will be the perfect distraction from everything that is going on. I have barely slept a wink, Britt left the apartment at around 4:30am this morning. I haven't heard from her, so I am guessing she is asleep. But then again, why would I hear from her? I basically kicked her out of the apartment, I feel like such a bad friend. 

A few moments later Gia is coming back to the car, arms full of snacks. "Got enough?" I joke. "I didn't know what to get and I am starving." she laughs, handing me the paper bag full of chocolate and sweets. "You look really tired babe, why don't you sleep? I will wake you when we get there?" Gia says, brushing my hair out of my face. "I'm fine" I say, trying to fight off a yawn. "Just sleep" Gia leans over and pecks my lips.

(Brittany's POV)

It's like 5pm and I have just woken up. I feel no better nor rested. My eyes feel dry and puffy from all the crying I have done since last night. I feel sick, empty even. I just want to talk to Santana. I grab my phone and scroll down my contacts until I find her name, my thumb hovers over it for a few seconds, debating on whether or not I should call, but I eventually decide to. I bring the phone to my ear and my heart drops as it goes straight to voicemail. I lay back down on the bed, feeling completely deflated, staring at the ceiling aimlessly. 

My phone suddenly starts to vibrate, I grab it with such urgency hoping to see Santana's name. But no, it's Mia. 

''Hey Britty'

"Hey, what's up?"

"You okay? You sound sleepy?"

"I have just woken up from a nap."

"You must be tired. You free to talk for a second?"

"Sure, everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine. I was just wondering if you were ready to take that trip?"

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