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(Brittany's POV)

It has been almost four weeks since I saw Santana and we had that chat. Almost a whole god damn month! We have exchanged the odd message here and there, seen each other at Friday Night Dinner's but she never allowed us to be one on one with each other and Gia has been there for some of them. I feel even worse than I did before. I have had various conversations with Quinn and Rachel and they think I should go see Santana, tell her times up and that I want a decision. And a part of me wants to, but what if I put her off? What if her mind is almost made up in my favour and I piss her off and she changes her mind? But then, I see no signs of Gia going anywhere...

In other news, a couple of days after meeting with Santana. I broke things off with Mia, it didn't go well let's just say that. She was convinced there is someone else, which technically isn't true. She kept screaming at me, asking me if it was Santana, talking about that night on the pier after the boat party. I probably should have denied it, but I got so sick of her screaming at me, I admitted I loved my best friend. I do feel for her, like I have wasted her time. I met her parents and her sister for heavens sake! But I couldn't carry on, we couldn't carry on. It wasn't fair on either one of us. I do drop her the odd message here and there to make sure she is doing okay, I rarely get a response, which I shouldn't be surprised about. But right now, all I want is to know where I stand with Santana. I don't think that is too much to ask for?

(Santana's POV)

I haven't left it this long on purpose to get back to Britt with an answer, life has been busy yanno? and truthfully, I still don't know who I choose. Gia is just so amazing, funny, smart and sexy, but Britt...well, she is Britt. I can't ignore the feelings I once held for her and I am sure if I tried to let go hard enough I could regain those feelings. But so much has happened since high school, I am not sure if I am willing to risk our friendship for a relationship. I mean, our friendship is barely hanging on at this point. I heard through the grapevine that Brittany broke up with Mia a few days after our chat, I don't know if B hoped it would spark something my end, but if that is the case, then I hate to disappoint. 

I've been super lucky that Gia hasn't caught on to anything. I mean she has made the odd comment about Friday Night Dinner's, that Britt and I have barely said two words to one another, but nothing has raised much suspicion. I need to put Britt out of her misery, I know that. But first I need to sort myself out. I have moved back to my apartment in New York. Gia wasn't quite ready to say goodbye to The Hamptons, so she is still renting a space out there and she comes down of a weekend. The bit of distance and time apart in the week has been sort of nice, not because I am away from Gia but it means I can have some me time, to try and dissect my thoughts, not that I have done much of that.

But, tonight is Saturday and Gia is here and we are off to the Upper East Side for some drinks with Quinn and Rachel. It's nice being able to have another couple to go and do things with. Obviously there is Kurt and Blaine but they are understandably in their own bubble right now, preparing for the arrival of their little baby. 

"Which one should I wear tonight? The red Chanel or the black Chanel?" Gia walks into my office space holding two very short and sexy dresses. "Those new?" I ask, peering over my glasses at her. "Yeah, I went shopping this morning. So...which one?" she says holding them up a little higher. "Well...the red shows more cleavage, the black shows more leg." I say studying the options. "Boobs, more boobs!" I say pointing at the little red number. "Perfect" Gia flashes me a smile and turns out on her heels.

I chuck my pen down on my desk and lean far back in my chair, exhaling loudly. "Fuck sake" I whisper to myself. I really need to make a decision, but how can you just decide, especially between two amazing women! 

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