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(Santana's POV)

"...Gia, I am so sorry" I plead for forgiveness from my girlfriend, who I have hurt incredibly. We were just having our first bit of sexy time for a while and I did something unforgivable. I said another woman's name as I came, but not any woman's name...Brittany's name. "I don't want to hear it." Gia says dryly. "Babe please." I stroke my hand up and down her thigh, she swats my hand away instantly. "Don't call me that" she scolds me. "I am so so sorry, please you have to believe me." I say begging. "Well...I don't believe you." Gia is so mad right now, I can't blame her. But let's be honest, a lot of my time has been taken up by Britt lately, she is clearly at the forefront of my mind and that's the explanation I can give.

"You have to, it meant nothing!" I say as I pull my pants back up and do up my zipper. "Really? Nothing.."Gia chides. "Yes nothing! Why would it?" I ask all confused. "I am not talking about this." Gia gets up from beside me and walks away, but I follow her. "Can't we just talk about this?" I beg, I am scared at how calm Gia is actually being. She hasn't shouted or cursed at me at all. Not like that night in the club when Mia let everything spill, I saw a side of Gia that night that I hadn't seen before, she showed her protective side. Something I don't see right now. Gia walks into the bedroom and grabs her case and throws it on the bed. "Where are you going?" I ask her as she begins to pack up her things. "Home." she tells me. "Okay, well I am coming with you then." I say with persistence. "I think it's best you stay here." she says. I can see tears brimming in her eyes, I have really hurt her. 

"Don't be stupid, I am coming with you. We are going to talk about this." I say starting to get annoyed. "No Santana, you know what is stupid. Me, I am." she says, her voice cracking. "No you're not!" I exclaim. "Yes! Yes I am, I was stupid to believe that you don't love Brittany. I was stupid to believe that you really wanted to be with me." she cries. "I do want to be with you!" I proclaim. "PLEASE JUST STOP LYING!" she finally cracks and screams at me. "That night after the club, I saw it in your eyes. I saw that you were lying when I asked if you loved her back. But I convinced myself that your mind and your heart would change, that once we got away from the city and in our own bubble in the Hamptons that you would slowly change your mind and love me the way you loved her." Gia says, sadness tinged all over her face. "Gia, I do love you." I say, taking a step closer to her, trying to pull her into me, but she pushes me away softly.

"You may love me, but you're not in love with me Santana. Do you know how many times I caught you daydreaming, looking out into the distance with a sad look. Every time that you did, I knew you were thinking of Brittany and it chipped away at me bit by bit. I kept thinking how can I make her happy? How can I know what she wants. And the simple answer is, I couldn't. No one is going to make you happy like she could. I knew I should have probably let you go, but I just couldn't. Then all of this landed on your lap and it has consumed you ever since. And I get it, I totally get it. But that, right out there that happened..that has to be the crescendo. At some point I have to protect my peace too." Gia lightly sobs. 

"So, you're breaking up with me?" my voice cracks as I realise my relationship is very much ending. "No. I am setting you free, go be with Brittany, go be happy. You deserve it and I deserve to be happy to." Gia wipes my tears away.  "Gia please don't do this, we can work it out." I cry. "Baby, sometimes you have to let go of the ones you love because that person wants different things, you have to let go of one version of the future to give yourself the future you always imagined and I think we both know that we aren't in each others futures, not anymore." Gia packs the rest of her clothes into her case. She turns and looks at me, taking my hands in hers. "I really do love you Santana and getting over you will be the hardest thing I will do, but I love you enough to know I need to let you go." she strokes her hand down my cheek before leaving. This will be the last time I ever see Gia...

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