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(Brittany's POV)

My friends reached the point where they clearly believed that I am beyond help. I say this because I am sat next to a stranger in the back of a blacked out SUV on my way to some rehab facility outside of the city. They gave up on me, I am riddled with guilt that I have pushed them to this point. All Quinn and Rachel have tried to do for the last six months is get me back on the straight on narrow and I fought them every single step of the way, I just thought they were trying to control me, get all up in my business. But they weren't. I think back on the last time the gang were all together, it's been such a stupidly long time. I can't even remember the last time I saw Kurt and Blaine, they have this beautiful baby girl who I have only seen once. Can't blame them for not bringing the baby around me, I mean look at what I have become. 

I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the blacked out window. I don't even recognise myself, I look gaunt, almost lifeless. A real shell of what I used to be. My head is full right now, full of so many thoughts, feeling so many emotions. Santana drove me to this, yet she is the one I am doing this for. I told her I still love and of course I still love her, I never stopped loving her regardless of the pain and hurt she inflicted on me, but that is what is making this whole thing worse. She kissed me tonight, she sent my senses into overload. I just feel confused, the things she was saying, how she was acting, it felt like she loved me, but she doesn't. It's just messing with my head. But I want to do this for her, to show her I am not the junkie she thinks I am. 


The driver pulls up outside the rehab facility and walks around and opens my door. I slide out and look up at the modern building, wondering exactly just how long I will find myself here. What will I be made to do? What will I be forced to talk about? The entire concept just scares the shit out of me. "Miss Pierce, this way please." One of the orderlies takes me by my arms and guides me into the scary looking building. "We got a check in" the orderly tells the receptionist, she presses a buzzer and within a few moments an older gentleman in a white lab coat comes out. "You must be Brittany? I am Dr Evans, you'll be under my care during your stay. Please, hand your phone and all personal belongings in and we will get you checked in." he gives me a warm smile before disappearing out the back again. 

"Do I have to give my phone up?" I ask the receptionist. "Sorry honey, they're the rules." she hands me a clear box where I place my phone, all my jewellery and personal belongings in. I watch her stick a label with my name on it and place it in a locker behind her desk. "Right this way Miss Pierce." The second orderly takes me around the back into the same room that Dr Evans guy just walked into. "Brittany, please sit." Dr Evans stands from his chair, pulling a chair out for me to sit down on. "Now, I know you must be thinking and feeling a whole lot of things right now and I want you to know that is completely normal and it's my job to help you through those thoughts and feelings and get you better. How does that sound?" he asks, a little too up beat for my liking. I remain silent, just staring vacantly at him. All I can think about right now is wanting a double vodka and a line to take the edge off. "Before we go over a few things, can I get you a glass of water?" he kindly asks me. I shake my head no. Water is the last liquid I want right now.

"So, just a few security questions. Can you clarify your name for me please?" he asks, grabbing a pen preparing to jot down my answers. "Brittany S Pierce" I croak, he notes down my name. "And your date of birth?" he asks his next question. "April 16th 1994" I answer. "Perfect. Thank you. Now costs of your stay are all covered so we can skip those questions.." he says flicking through his paper. "Um, all covered?" I ask, I don't know how I thought this was being paid for, but I didn't think it would have already been taken care of. "Yes Miss Pierce, your fee's have been taken care of." he smiles at me before returning to his paperwork. "By who?" I ask out of curiosity. "I am afraid I am not at liberty to say. But right now, that is the least of your worries." he smiles at me again. I wonder who it was? Surely it has to be Santana, she was the one who has sent me here? I make a mental note to make sure I pay her back for every penny.

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