Should've never opened it

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I felt like I almost broke my hand trying to push open the door. I always struggle with that, and I always struggle with the wonder of who will I see in the hallway on my way to class.

Today it was that one string player. He was leaning against the doorway of the practice rooms, staring at his phone. His back was to the hallway. He was wearing a black wife beater and black pants.

He looked good today. He looks good every day, but this time I couldn't brush it off like I usually do. I had to take a pause before I passed by him. Is he even real?

I then continued walking, passed by him, and entered the choir room. I thought about him for the next half hour.

To think I was trash talking him in brain during my first semester because he would show up to class a bit late. After I started to struggle getting there on time, I stopped judging him so harshly. It was also because when he passed my desk, he smelled nice.

He's fine and he's clean. And talented. And disciplined. And probably a sweetheart. After I got in my car at the end of my day, I thought to myself that who ever will be his girl in future is incredible lucky and blessed, and she needs to not take that for granted.

I wish this man the best. I hope he keeps playing. I hope to see him play again in the future.

And I hope gets some sleep.

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