Not Quite...

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Once there was a girl named Jenny, now I know what your thinking: " not another blonde princess in what is obviously a fairy tale where good conqueres evil and we all live happily ever after and there's a handsome prince who the princess meets once and decides she loves him and wants to live with him for ever". Well not quite... You see for starters, Jenny is a brunette with green eyes and not in fact a princess. Jenny is just an ordinary girl who happens to quite like an ordinary boy. Yes, yes another love story just in case you missed all the others. This one however will probably have a twist somewhere along the line, if not then I am extremely sorry, but it's not like your paying for this book or anything... Oh yes sorry back to the story, well it all started in the little village of Darrington...

Darrington was a small town full of contented people who's daily lives consisted of nothing more exciting than realising it was another day. In this little town was a little street called Keswick. And on this little street there was a little house and this little house was, you guessed it, Jenny's house.

Jenny lived with her mother and father in this little house and was a good little girl who did her chores and went to the park with her parents.. Well actually that's not quite true. Jenny was actually a 14 year old girl who spent most of her time In her room listening to music and avoiding all human contact. It's not that Jenny meant to be antisocial its just that If she spent any amount of time with her stepdad she would end up arguing and get sent to her room, so she thought she would save them the trouble.

Going outside was entirely out of the question as all the people in Darrington were nosy and overfriendly, not to mention that you couldn't walk 2 meters down the road without being told " how much you'd grown" and " how long it's been since they've last seen you and you really should pop over sometime". Anyway as I was saying Jenny tried to avoid going outside but like every other teenager she was forced out if bed at 7 am sharp everyday to get ready for school.

Jenny didn't mind school, and by that I mean she didn't mind the friends, break and the chance to be outside and entertained for a day. What she did mind was lessons, annoying small children, grumpy teachers and the irritating school uniform that always seemed too hot in summer and not warm enough in winter. There were some lessons Jenny liked though, and those were the ones he was in.

Oh yes, we've finally come to that part of the story, the part full of over exaggerated descriptions and mushy similes. I should probably start by telling you his name which was Logan. Logan was any girls teenage dream, he was tall, muscular, funny, sensitive, cute and waay out of Jenny's legue. He had messy black hair, and piercing blue eyes that turned any girl he looked at into a blabbering mess. Not to mention his oh so gorgeous crooked smile, and athletic figure. Of course all of these factors made him one of the most popular guys at school, which meant that an ordinary girl like Jenny should have no chance , but because this is a story and both of these people are mentioned, we are going to assume she has a tiny shread of hope...

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