Not Quite... Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The alarm sounded loudly in Jenny's room which was, for a room, very big. Jenny's house was a cozy place with 2 bedrooms; a lounge; a kitchen; 2 bathrooms; a dining room and a porch. It wasn't a particularly modern house and it had 2 floors, Jenny's room was on the 2nd floor at the end of the hall. Her walls were painted lilac and one of them were covered in pictures and drawings and posters. There was a window across from the door and a simple wooden wardrobe on the left. Next to the wardrobe was a desk with a mirror, the desk was littered with sheets of paper, hair accessories and other pieces of rubbish. To the right of the room, by the covered wall, was a long mirror. The bed, fully equipped with a sleeping Jenny, was under the window on the right hand side of the room ( head by the window, feet by the door) and had a patterned blue and green blanket - of flowers If we're going to get all technical. And beside the bed was a bedside table with a white lamp and alarm clock on top in addition to a picture of Jenny as a young girl with her parents.

Jenny stirred as the loud screech of the alarm went off, her hair sticking out all over the place. Her hand slowly crawled out of the covers and started lazily hitting around the alarm for the off button. When finally she found it ( and turned it off) she slumped back into the bed.

" Why do I always feel so tired in the mornings, no matter how much sleep I get?" She groaned, before reluctantly sitting up in bed. Yawning, she pulled off her cover and got out of bed. Stretching sleepily as she walked down the corridor Jenny passed her mum and dads room, her mum was already up and her dad had gone to work.

" Hi mum" Jenny called as she made her way to the bathroom.

" Oh hey sweetie, nice to see you up early for a change," commented her mum who 's name by the way is Delilah.

Delilah looked very much like Jenny, she had wavy brunette hair ( just like her daughter's only lighter ), brown eyes and a lovely smile. She was about 5"5 and wore jeans and long sleeved shirts most of the time. Delilah was the type of mum who didn't make a fuss but when you needed her would be there in a heartbeat. Jenny was very close with her mum and could tell her anything and, she usually did. All of Jenny's friends loved Delilah and thought she was the coolest mum ever ( much to their own mother's dismay). One time, at a sleepover Delilah stayed up until midnight just so she could help the girls make their very own midnight feast of hot chocolate, cookies, marhmallows, crisps and, of course, sweets.

Jenny walked down the hall and into the bathroom. She washed her face, brushed her teeth and went to the toilet before venturing downstairs for breakfast. The kitchen was the most modern part of the house, fully equipped with cabinets, fridge, oven, dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, microwave and sink as well as giving Jenny a lovely view of her front garden and fields beyond. She made herself some cereal and went into the dining room to eat. I say dining "room" but really it was the lounge with an attaching space that happened to have a table in the centre. It was a rectangular table and the lounge- dining area was full of very minimal modern furniture. Jenny finished her breakfast and went to her room to get dressed for school, by now the time was 7:15.

Burkley secondary school was where Jenny attended, which meant she had to have a 40 minute bus journey every morning to get there. Jenny liked her bus journeys, they gave her time to think and be in her own bubble before the day started. Her day consisted of a tutorial, five one hour long lessons and two breaks one of which was for lunch.

Jenny stood in front of her full length mirror and glared at the reflection standing before her. A girl ( about 5"2 ) stood dressed in black patterned tights, a knee high skirt, school shirt, blue tie and black blazer. This girl had long wavy brunette hair that reached, for want of better description, the bottom of her boobs. She had her fringe pushed back with a blue headband and wore little makeup: mascara, pink lipgloss and a little bit of eyeliner around her bright green eyes. In case you hadn't figured it out, this girl was Jenny. She sighed dismally and picked up her blue rucksack then ran downstairs to make,and pack, her lunch.

By the time everything was packed and ready it was 8:00. Jenny grabbed her black boots from the porch and walked out of the door. Hurrying down the road she turned left and walked up a small hill towards the bus stop.

Just then a mad girl dressed exactly like Jenny jumped on her back and started attacking her. Well... Not quite. This crazy girl was actually Jenny's best friend Milly.

"Hey Mils," Jenny laughed as she carefully shook off her friend.

" Hey Jenny," Milly laughed in return pushing her short auburn hair out of her eyes. Milly was a bit shorter than Jenny and had freckles kissing each part of nose and cheeks. She wore stylish green glasses that went great with her striking blue eyes and light makeup. As Jenny peeled her off of her back Milly's dazzling smile lit up her entire face and her laugh had Jenny grinning from ear to ear. Her hair was straightened and she had a short side fringe that looked as light as air as it blew in the breeze.

" Ready to get the bus to the gates of hell? " Jenny asked lightheartedly.

" But of course, " Milly returned cheerfully as they linked arms and made their way to the bus stop, the wind blowing harshly at them as they went.

On arriving at Burkley Secondary School, Jenny and Milly let out a groan. Mondays were always the worst.

The two friends took station next to a radiator in the maths corridor, attempting to warm their frozen fingers. It was late march and it was snowing. Just as Jenny's fingers started to tingle and burn, in the way fingers do when they're trying to recirculate blood, she spotted Niall.

Niall was tall with an athletic figure but he still had boyish features that made his face innocent and absolutely adorable. His eyes were a light Sapphire that seemed to shine when he caught sight of Jenny. He smiled, flashing a set of glamorous white teeth as he walked toward the girls.

Jenny had known Niall since she was 6 when he moved down with his parents from Ireland. They were really close friends and Niall had had her back from the beginning. They met in year 4 when they were made partners on a science project. Ever since they had become a large part of each others lives and it was no rare occurance to see Niall roaming Jenny's house. And fridge.

" Hey Jenny, hey Milly, what's up? " He said beaming at them.

Now I know what all you romance novel fanatics are thinking: they are obviously meant to be together and are going to end up boyfriend and girlfriend by the end of this book well actually.. not quite.

It was then that Jenny's best friend Elle walked over, her long blond hair swishing from side to side. Elle was your typical blue eyed, blonde model looking teenage girl. A fact that had Jenny feeling a bit low in comparison.

Although Elle was stunning, she was the most modest and friendly person Jenny had ever met.

Today she was wearing pale pink lipstick that made her full lips look ever more pouty, and a thin layer of mascara. Her hair fell like a blonde waterfall around her shoulders. Like Milly and Jenny she was wearing school uniform but instead of a skirt she was rocking a pair of flared school trousers and not regulation black and pink trainers.

"Hey guys!" Elle called as she walked into Niall's waiting arms for a hug and a kiss. Yeah, you guessed it Elle and Niall were a thing, much to the dismay of most of the boys and girls in their year. They had been going out for about 2 years now and still acted as cute as if it were their first week.

After some small talk about their weekend the group were forced their separate ways by the insistent ringing of the bell...

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