Not Quite... Chapter 2

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Jenny's POV.

Period 1 and 2 went by in a flash, I was only half concentrating on the drone of Mrs Hill's voice in double science. I usually loved science and was top of my class but today was BTech; i hate BTech.

As the bell rang for break, I practically jumped out of my seat and rushed to pack away my books.

"Homework will be due on Friday, I want a full assessment on the respitory system!" Miss yelled over the screeching of chairs and murmur of classmates.

I headed down the hallway to the door, my head swimming with plans for my respiration model I was planning on making. Suddenly I crashed into something hard. I bounced almost falling down backwards.

" Hey! Watch where your- " I started as I looked up into the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. They were like a whirlpool of clear ocean blue with speckles of gold treasure around the deepest black that seemed to see straight into my soul. Logan. {Told you it'd be cheesy}

My eyes wandered down the rest of his body appreciatively as I took in his white school shirt, sleeves rolled up, shirt untucked. It seemed to cling to his muscular chest in the best way, my eyes scanned down his black regulation trousers to his black skate shoes that were not regulation. I was gaping like a gold fish, I knew I was, he must have thought I was a weirdo.

"I'm so so sorry.. I.. Uh... I was just.. Sorry.." I stammered looking down and shuffling my feet nervously. I finally looked up and saw the hint of a smile twitch at the corner of Logan's lips. Just that smile alone caused my breath to hitch In my throat.

" It's fine,don't worry about it. Are you okay? " he questioned in a deep, smooth voice that seemed almost musical. He raised one eyebrow in question as he looked over my body, apparently searching for a sign of injury.

" I.. I'm fine," I answered smiling nervously. I felt my cheeks burn. Damn it Jenny! Pull it together, you look like an idiot! I silently screamed at myself.

" Good, glad to hear it," he chuckled as he brushed past me, my skin burned at the slight touch.

As soon as he was out of sight, I exhaled not realising I had been holding my breath. I shook my head and hurried outside where my friends would be waiting for me at our usual bench just under a small shelter at the back of the school.

I grinned as I turned the corner to see Niall play fighting with Elle, and Milly rolling her eyes at them playfully. I skipped forward to greet them and waved cheerily to Milly.

" Hey Mills!" I said pulling her into a hug.

" Hey Jen," she laughed." I was just telling Nate how much you want to snog him," she joked as Nate elbowed her in the ribs. I rolled my eyes at Milly and smiled past her towards Nate.

Nate was my neighbour and long time best friend, although he hasn't been my friend as long as Niall, we still got on just as well. Nate had short brown hair and grey eyes. He wasn't the best looking boy in our year but he was always there or me and could make me laugh no matter how upset i was, which suited me just fine. We were so alike in the our sense of humour i was almost shocked that we weren't twins or something and his mum was practically mine too I was round there so often. I loved Nate's mum, Lacey, she always had good advice and food ready for me when I went over, occasionally i even got to steal a few hand me downs!

I stood inbetween Milly and Nate as we caught up and groaned about our head teacher, Mr Wayne Kerr. He was such a d!ck. He made it so we had a fence around our school, trapping us like caged animals and introduced school uniform cards as well as a tonne of other sh!tty ideas. Everyone in the school hated him and you could tell if you walked into any one of the bathrooms and looked at the lovely messages people had left for him on the cubicles.

The rest of the day went by painfully slowly as I longed to just crash back into my bed, I had had a late night last night reading. But it seemed that every time I turned a page something moved in the corner of my eye and I just couldn't put my finger on what it was...

I hugged Elle and Niall goodbye at the oak tree before clambering onto my bus. As soon as I stepped into the aisle I saw Nate waiting for me in a three seater. I quickly sat down in the middle not wanting Milly and Nate to be sat next to each other.

Soon after I settled down in my seat Milly came over an sat down to my right making me squash my leg into my seat to let her past.

" Did you hear what Sam did with Megan last week at Rebbeca's party?!" She gushed excitedly as she sat In her seat.

"No." I replied frowning, I never got told anything. I wasn't popular enough to know about Reecca, Sam or Megan but I got all the gossip from Milly who seemed to be a walking magazine filled with the latest gossip; fashion tips and a lot of b!tching.

" Well, I heard they were making strange noises in the bed above Rebecca and the bed was bouncing," she raised her eyebrows at me knowingly. I mentally groaned, I didn't really care what Sam and Megan were doing in Rebecca's bunk bed but I kept up the act, faking interest until Milly stopped jabbering.

"How about we play 2 truths and a lie?" Nate suggested when the silence started to turn into boredom.

"Okay," Milly and I agreed in unison. This game was always amusing. It was my second favourite bus game; my first was this game we made up where you blast your music as loud as you can through your headphones and you take it in turns to say something like: 'nod your head if your a perverted sloth' or ' mime the words to the song your listening to if you want to live in a cave with a worm named Alfred for company'. After both of them had reacted, you took your headphones out and told them what they had agreed to. It always seemed to pass the time and start the most HILARIOUS inside jokes.

" Okay I'll go first," Milly announced after some thought. " 1) I have set fire to my hands 2) my parents forgot me in a German supermarket 3) I want To be a fashion designer when I'm older." She concluded looking up at us expectantly.

I knew for a fact that Milly wanted to be a fashion designer when she was older, she constantly showed me these amazing drawings of lush outfits she had created, so that was #3 out of the way. In science the other week we set fire to our hands using methane bubbles and water so #1 must be true too.

" #2 is a lie," I stated confidently. Milly turned to face Nate as he waited for his answer, he didn't know Milly as well as me but he had done the science class as well, so he agreed.

" You were both correct," she confirmed, " but I did get left in a foreign supermarket in France once," she told us.

The rest of the journey carried on like this and I was in the lead. My mind wasn't completely on the game though, I couldn't stop thinking about Logan's eyes and the way he brushed against my arm. Even though it made my skin burn he was cold. It wasn't even like it was cold in the hallway, the sun from the windows was providing enough heat that I had taken off my blazer and rolled up my shirt sleeves allowing his skin to touch mine directly. Why was he so cold? I thought to myself as I absentmindedly got off the bus and walked the rest of the way to my house half listening to Milly's rant about Enrichment week half thinking of Logan's deep blue eyes.



Sorry my chapters are so short but I will do a lot Of chapters to make up for it.

Nothing much happened in this chapter but I have a plan as to where the story is going ( thats why i changed the picture to give you a slight hint ;) ) so keep reading and vote if you thought it was good,


Mel :) xxxx

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