Not Quite... Chapter 4

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Jenny's POV

Do you ever get the feeling your being watched? It isn't something you can describe really, I guess it's an instinct built into our brains to help us watch out back and protect us from danger. Have you ever wondered how it works though? How your body knows someone's eyes are on you for an unusual period of time? It's like a burning tingle that you feel on the back of your neck. That was the feeling currently running through my body as I sat on the park bench next to Elle. I whipped my head back, searching the trees for people. But there were none.

" What is it?" Elle asked, taking a break from her babble of nonsense, something to do with a thing she read.

"Nothing." I shrugged absentmindedly .

"Okay, well like I was saying, it is a great book! This is the second time I've read it but its so good I still cry at the Thirteenth chapter everytime. You have to read it!-" she gushed enthusiastically at me.

I nodded and smiled as my mind wondered to the last few days of school. Ever since that day in detention, Logan seemed to be avoiding me, not that I can blame him. I was really stuttery when we were speaking, he must have thought I was slow or something. I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. It was starting to creep me out if I'm honest...

" Are you listening? Or am I boring you? I always blab, you now what I'm like, rubbish just seems to pour out of my mouth-"

" I was listening." I slipped in when she broke her flow for air. I swear this girl could talk for England. " Do you wanna go back to mine? I think mum's making lasagne for dinner, my favourite- apart from bacon of course, but that goes without saying-" I faded out, aware Elle's eyes were beginning to glaze over.

"To the house!" I declared, linking arms with her and marching to my house.

Dad joined us for dinner before me and Elle went upstairs to talk more, armed with makeup and sweets.

" So, I heard you and Logan were sitting together in detention the other day," Elle said, mock innocently as she glanced up from her painted toenails to my face.

"Yeah,and?" I asked, feeling slightly defensive.

" Oh nothing... What did you talk about?" She continued to paint her toenails a bright pink to match her vest top pretending not to be interested, but i could see the glimmer in her eye.

"Not a lot, his dad, why he was in there, Callum baker..." I murmured the last name, hoping against hope Elle wouldn't hear.

" What the hell were you talking about Him for?" No such luck. She spat the word "him" with anger only a true friend can muster.

" Logan might have been responsible for his latest facial improvement," I said, smirking slightly as I painted my toenails black to match the shirt I was wearing.

Elle matched my smirk and shook her head. " Man, I like this boy more and more everyday,"

Callum Baker is a name rarely spoken in my presence and at those rare moments it is spoken with a layer of disgust and hatred.

Last year, we had been an item. I don't know how it happened but for some reason he chose me and I said yes. He was an okay boyfriend, and made me feel special just by looking at me...gross ( sorry just saying this stuff makes me want to throw up). But he was known for being a "bad boy" and often went out drinking and partying.

One night he offered to take me out with him, I agreed, fully feeling I needed a night out. He was already hammered when he came to pick me up. The night started badly when he tried to pull my dress up in the car, I told him to p!ss off and moved further away in my seat, that didn't stop him though. He carried on for the whole journey getting angrier with me every time I rejected him. We had been going out for two months, I didn't want us to do that kind of thing yet.

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