Not Quite... Chapter 7

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Logan's POV

I zoned out. Jenny was talking to me I knew but I couldn't make out her words. Visions of that day came flooding back to me. The  car, the truck, Jenny, the terrible screeching and my mother, her body crushed and mangled- That was the day everything changed, for me and for Jenny, and she didn't even know. She couldn't know.... I promised.


Jenny's POV

"Logan?!" I tried again. I saw the focus return to his eyes as he raised his gaze to meet mine, his eyes so empty and cold. They almost seemed black, so different from his normal light blue. He opened his mouth, a look of indecision plastered across his features-

"Can I take your orders?" a waitress stood next to us in her tightly fitting black and white uniform with a black bow-tie that all waiters appear to have surgically attached to their necks. i do have to admit however that she did look cool. She stared at us expectantly, armed with a gun.. no no just kidding. She was armed with a pencil and a very full looking notepad.

"Er... yes. I'll have the pepperoni pizza with stuffed crust. And a.... Pepsi?" I watched as her pen glided swiftly over the pad, sealing my order.

"And you Sir?" She inquired politely.

" The Meat Feast. With garlic bread and a sprite please,"

"Of course," She scurried like an ant through the doors at the back of the restaurant where I assume they kept the kitchen.

"Um.. you were about to say something?" I said hopefully. Maybe now he could tell me what happened.  Why he ignored me for all this time without even asking how I was.

" .. Yeah. But it was nothing important. "

"oh. " I tried to hide the disappointment in my voice but the expression on his face informed me that i had failed. Miserably." I just was hoping that maybe.. you'd tell me what happened to you? To us? I don't remember much, something to do with a head trauma? But i know i never saw you after the... you know..." i trailed off, looking down at my hands fumbling with my dress. When i looked up again i could've sworn i saw an expression on Logan's face. Just for a second. Was it Sadness? No...Regret? Indecision? I didn't know, but as soon as it came, the expression disappeared: he had transformed back to my old friend. His face was so open and friendly, his eyes so full of light; it was like i was talking to a completely different person.

"yeah... um..  i don't know, not a lot happened really. I went to the hospital, same as you.  They fixed me up so I came home and mourned my mum. Dad took it hard so i had to stay home with him for a few weeks while we got everything sorted.. that's why i wasn't at school." I saw a flicker in his eyes. There was something he wasn't telling me...

"How come you didn't talk to me again when you came back? We were so close, what happened? Did i.. did i do something wrong?"I looked up to see Logan's eyebrows practically hitting the ceiling, He looked like a shocked cartoon character. It was hard not to laugh at his expression, and the awkwardness just made it harder still.

"Wrong? No, you didn't do anything wrong i just.. it changed me.. loosing my mum.. and every-time i saw you.. it reminded me of that day, of her face just before the truck hit. She was so....scared," Logan's voice broke as tears began to well in his eyes "She was so scared and...she looked to me but i coudn't stop it-I ..couldn't help her." Logan looked right at me. The pain in his eyes made me want to hug him and save him form everything. He looked so like a lost puppy, wondering why someone left him out in the rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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