Not Quite... Chapter 5

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Jenny's POV

Logan and I were pretty good friends in year 7, his mum was so kind , and he only lived down the road. We would be partners in class, and play dragons together. I got invited one weekend, to Lego land. I know it sounds lame but we were kids and it was the holidays, we had ran out of ideas after building a caterpillar sanctuary and creating a witches potion in the back garden...


I was pulled out of my thoughts when Milly jabbed me in the arm.

" Ow what was that for?" I complained rubbing my arm even though it hadn't hurt that much.

" I was trying to get your attention-" she replied.

" Yeah, that much was obvious," I interrupted sarcastically.

"- to tell you Logan's at the table behind us and he keeps looking over at you." She smirked, finishing her sentence.

I gulped." Really? He's looking at me?" I bit my lip and frowned, ever since detention he seemed to be avoiding me.

" Yes, he's looking at you! Omg! He's coming over, act cool." She demanded grabbing her phone from her pocket and pretending to text someone. I stared helplessly at her, when I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

" Uh, hey. Look I'm sorry about last week, It was rude just leaving like that...Uh... I had to help my dad with something..." He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously and crept his eyes up to mine.

"It's cool, I don't mind" I answered casually as my eyes raked over him. His hair was gelled messily, making him look like he had just woken up; in a sexy carefree way.

" Uh... I was wondering if I could have a chance to make it up to you? Not just leaving like that but for the two years of blanking you too." He mumbled looking away.

I didn't hold the ignoring thing against him. We used to be really good friends until 'the incident', that was the day he lost his mum.

" It's cool, really. I get it, you were going through a tough time you don't have to make up for anything," I said and twisted my hands together in front of me nervously. I couldn't imagine my life without my mums sarcastic comments and my dads constant whining. I would be ruined. I'd probably ignore everyone too.

" But I want to" he urged, holding my hands in his and carefully pulling apart the twisted fingers. Just the touch made me breakout in goosebumps but that may have been due to the temperature of his skin. I looked up from our hands and my heart missed a beat.

His gorgeous blue eyes were trained directly into mine and it was if he was staring through and reading my mind. There was so much emotion in these blue pools I felt I could drown in them and be happy and safe forever.

" Movie? Tonight, cinema? We can watch anything you want, I'll pay. I'll even get you dinner before.. You know.. If you want?.." He trailed off hopefully.

My heart fluttered at the thought of spending an evening with this perfect boy in front of me. After a while I managed to convince my mouth to form the words I was practically screaming in my head.

"I'd love to," It came out as a inaudible whisper, but the smile that broke out on his face and the light in his eyes told me he had heard just fine.

"Great! I'll pick you up at seven," He gently removed his hands from mine as the bell rang loudly, deafening me.

"Okay, I'll look forward to it" I smiled as he went to walk to next lesson.

His only response was a grin as he strode towards art.

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