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   Your rag-tag group of future heroes had set off shortly after your discussion with Elleguaard and Magnus. You and Olivia had been stuck together like glue as she gushed about her trip to Redstonia, ignoring the arguing between every other member in your group.

   It was almost dark when you arrived at Soren's fortress, and you had to say you were impressed. There was no doubt in your mind why Soren got the title of builder. You were getting a little bit too excited to see wool world he'd made; how would it look now that it's not square?

   "Y/n," You had been spacing out, but hearing your name (which had been said more than once by now) snapped you out of it.


   Jesse had been trying to get your attention since they'd decided to split into groups. Olivia and Axel had obviously buddied up with Magnus and Elleguaard, who'd already began to run off in opposite directions.

   "We're heading straight, the others took the different routes." Jesse pointed at a doorway ahead of you and gestured to Reuben who was at his side. Past the entrance was dark, and you couldn't see anything further than a couple feet into it.

   "That looks like a great place for a hoard of zombies to be hiding... or worse a couple creepers." Despite your words, you began heading towards the doorway with little hesitation. You definitely would have remembered if there were monsters in Soren's fortress. Well, besides the ones in the mob farm, obviously.

   Before you and Jesse had made it halfway across the room, a shout came from behind you. "Jesse! What about me?" You'd both forgotten about the blonde. Well, you hadn't been paying attention either way, so really it was just Jesse.

   Jesse had a look of disgust on his face, but you could tell he was trying to hide it. "Heyy... Lukas. You could go catch up with Olivia and Elleguaard, they might need some help. We've already got a group of three here anyways."

   That was a reasonable suggestion. You and Jesse were the best fighters out of your friends, so you were more than capable of keeping Reuben safe. Axel had the explosiphile, so he'd be fine too as long as he stayed back and didn't walk into a grenade.  And if worse came to worse, you'd already given him back his other shoelace.

   On the other hand, you'd never seen Olivia use a sword before. She'd always preferred a bow, but you didn't think she had one on her, not really wanting to take the spare Lukas made. You also weren't sure about Elleguaard's fighting ability. You barely knew her and she never really fought much in the game because, you know, she either died or became irrelevant so the company didn't have to record two different clips with hers and Magnus' lines swapped.

   You walked back into the center of the room, nodding in agreement with Jesse. "You have a bow, right Lukas? I don't know if either Olivia or Elleguaard have weapons on them, so it would be great if you could catch up to them."

   Lukas seemed to brighten up after you asked him yourself. "Sure! Sure! I'll catch up with them right away. You'll be fine on your own though, right?"

   You smiled, pointing at the overalls-clad boy next to you. "I can hold my own ground, and if a creeper falls on me, I'll just throw Jesse at it. He's pretty decent with a sword too."

   Lukas nodded, but it took him a minute to get his feet to move. "I'll see you later! Stay safe Y/n! A-and Jesse too!"

   He's acting weird... is he scared to go find Olivia and Elleguaard on his own?

   Discarding your thoughts because you knew Lukas would be fine, you and Jesse began heading down the hall. You lit a torch along the way, casting shadows over the many pillars and intricate carvings in the walls. "Wow... it must have taken years for him to build this..."

   Jesse nodded, moving closer to you- the only source of light in the eerie room. "He must have come here after the order disbanded... so he's had over twenty years to work on it."

   You shuddered at the thought. Twenty years of isolation? I was going a little mad when I was alone for just a few months! I mean, the worst I did was test out some redstone traps... but that's nothing too crazy.

   You and Jesse continued down the hallway, following twists and turns for what seemed to be forever. You'd always sucked when it came to estimation though.

   As you admired some of the carvings, you nearly jumped out of your skin as you took a step only to not feel ground beneath your foot. Luckily, Jesse grabbed the back of your top, wrapping an arm around you to pull you back from the ledge.

   "...You might want to watch your footing."

   "You were looking at the carvings too! I'm the one brave enough to be in front!"

   As you and Jesse continued your mini-argument, it of course being a friendly, non-hostile one, Reuben poked his head around the corner of the hall, quickly turning around and running back to you with a squeal. This caught your attention, and you pulled away from the hold Jesse still had around you. 

   "Reuben?" You knelt down to the pig's level, placing a hand on his head and brushing over the few strands of hair he had. When you looked back to the upcoming turn, your eyes widened as you saw what had scared him.

   The lanky, not-entirely round but still somewhat square figure that turned the corner was entirely an ugly green- and like the last time you saw one, it was hideous. But this time it wasn't Axel.

   If you still don't get it, I'm of course referring to a creeper. You know, like what Axel dressed up as to scare Jesse?

   You heard another squeal from Reuben as the creeper spotted your group and began heading towards you, but just as it took a step forward it fell into the same hole you almost had a few minutes prior.


   "To think you have the same intelligence level as a creeper-"


Did Jesse live to see another day? Who knows. But another chapter is here to make yours 100x better ;D (the popularity of this book has def gotten to my head)

Anyways, look at this creepy picture I found when I thought "what would a realistic creeper actually look like?"

Anyways, look at this creepy picture I found when I thought "what would a realistic creeper actually look like?"

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I hate it and love it at the same time. I bet I'll dream about him tonight (not in a good way) 

I think a good name for him would be Charles. Look how happy he is :D

But anyways, questions!

  -Who was your favorite Minecraft Youtuber when you first got into watching them?

  -Best Netflix show you've seen (recently or of all time, either works)

  -What should my next interlude be?


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