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367 21 76

   "Hey, am I the only one who hears water?" You asked, interrupting your friends' bickering. Everyone shut up, heads swiveling to find the source of the now apparent sound.

   Heh, good job me. Way to keep the story flowing.

   "Hey, Y/n's actually right!" Axel yelled, causing Olivia to send him a glare.

   "Shh... is it coming from... beneath us?" She asked, more so questioned.

   Jesse nodded, pulling out his pickaxe. "I guess there's only one way to find out." 

   "It's better than wandering those endless hallways for an eternity." Lukas added, though everyone ignored him but you.


   "Guys! You can come down, it's safe!" Jesse yelled, but once again you were already beside him before he could finish. You could hear the grumblings of your friends before Lukas eventually fell down, screaming before he landed on his stomach with a thud. Axel followed, accidentally landing in the same spot.

   As Jesse caught Reuben and Olivia followed the group, you looked around the spawning chamber of the mob farm. It was a good thing your memory was decent; otherwise you would have been in for a surprise and likely panicked upon the realization of what you were in.

   Drawing in a breath, you pointed to the dark side of the chamber, three figures emerging from it. "Hey guys... we're not alone."

   Your friend's heads whipped over to you all at once. Olivia gasped, "Oh my god, we're in a mob farm!"

   As the three figures came closer, you could make out their bright green skin and beady eyes. The horrifying realistic version of a creeper once again there to haunt you in your sleep.

   "Everyone, run!" Jesse yelled, pointing towards the exit of the spawn chamber. You all followed, absolute chaos ensuing. 

   Axel pushed Lukas aside, hurriedly jumping over the edge onto a platform after Jesse and Olivia. You followed after him, tugging Lukas along with you by his jacket.

   "Hey! I can run on my own!" The blonde yelled as he got back on his feet.

   You just smiled at him, "Sorry, just making sure."

   "There should be a room to access the items collected at the bottom!" Olivia yelled.

   "I bet it's connected to Soren's base!" You thought it was best to encourage the idea.

   Axel nodded, falling into step beside you, "I call dibs on the gunpowder, but I'll let you have some of the string and bones, Y/n."

   You rolled your eyes, "Aww, thanks. The rotten flesh is all yours, buddy."

   Axel pumped his fist; he really was a true hoarder. You really didn't mind at all. You hadn't met a single villager, so rotten flesh couldn't even be traded with a cleric for emeralds. Besides, you didn't want to come within twenty feet of it, since it smelt so bad the few times you had.

   This time, Jesse wasn't chasing after the amulet, which was tucked safely away in your inventory. However, the amount of mobs didn't make getting to the bottom any easier.

   "Y/n!" Axel yelled at you and you followed his gaze where a creeper was about to fall on your head, flashing white. Thinking fast, or at the very least your "I don't want to die" instincts kicked in, you pulled out your sword and like a baseball bat hit the creeper over the side of the mob farm, it exploding in midair as it fell.

   "Dang, they should have put me in MLB." You stared at where the creeper had been, Axel having to drag you along, giving you a weird look as he did.

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