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You were all grown up and now had a lot to go with the new family.

"Heya toots." Angel greeted, with a smirk on his face

"Heya babe." You said with a smirk as you both leaned in for a kiss

"Oooooooooooh~" Vaggie pointed out

And you broke the kiss and stared at the floor

"Angie, you never told me you two were a thing." Cherri said. You invited her over to hear about the story of your family and how everything is going

"I thought you knew. We were at the party that night, remember?"

"Oh! Well it was a little hard to tell though." She pointed out

"Oh, right. My bad." You said

"Anyways dear, I assume this is because of your new form. Is that what you wanted to discuss about?" Alastor asked

"You guessed it. I just gotta get it out first." You told them

"And how exactly?" Husk asked

"I got it."

"Woah!" Everyone said

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"Woah!" Everyone said

"Hehe. Woah indeed. So..... whaddya think?" You asked, now in the new form

"This is amazing!" Charlie squealed with excitement

"That... is incredible." Vaggie said

"So cool!" Cherri said

"Awesome." Nifty said

"Wow. Nice touches with the hat and the... fur... or fluff. Is it fur or fluff?" Husk wondered

"Absolutely tremendous." Alastor said

"So rockin'" angel said

"I know, I know. And I'm pretty sure it might be fluff. So there may be a 99% chance I may be fluffy." You said, looking down on all the stuff

"So what do you call it?"

"What do you mean?" You asked

"Well, you don't look like a wolf beast anymore. You didn't look like that when you reappeared to fend off the angels during the extermination. It was almost as if you came back from the dead." Charlie said, pointing out the fact that all that did happen

Maybe you should tell them what happened

"Well, it's a little complicated." You said, not wanting to sound confusing

"I'm sure we can handle it. Don't worry about it, y/n." Alastor said

"Well, okay. But there's also a chance we might be here for a while."

"No worries." Vaggie said

"Well, when lucifer told me that I was a hybrid, I didn't really want to believe it cause of how shocked I was. But on the day when I technically died, I saw my parents for the first time." You explained

"You met you're real parents?" Charlie said

"Yeah. And I know I have a lot of explaining to do." You continued. "My dad was a human guy, who was in, possibly college, with his friends. One night, he was heading home and ran into a gang of psychos. And that's when my wolf mom came in suddenly, and saved him. She had wings, but she got badly injured when she flew up, and that's when my dad took her in with him. After she woke up, she was frightened at first, but they got along well. They did a lot of things and mom got her ability to use her wings again. Months later, they fell in love and got married. When she was pregnant with me, it was hard for both of them because they didn't know wether or not, their kid would be a wolf or a human. So they came back here to seek help from her sister. In this case, my sorceress aunt. She created the wolf beast, but as a spirit. And mom also said that it wouldn't grow wings until I was 19. And it grew as I grew. They said that they placed it inside me and after everything happened, it's when I was born. But they did what they had to do to protect me. So they sent me to earth with my aunts assistant's disguised as humans so they could care for me as I was a baby. That's why all this happened. And that's why I chose to stay. To protect my new family." You finally finished

"You gave up a life on earth... just for us?" Charlie asked

"This is what I want. And for the first time, it feels like I have a little help to offer, Y'know. Maybe make a difference down here." You said, with a smile

And they hugged you and you hugged back


It was the early morning, and you woke up with everyone downstairs

"Guys? Is everything okay?" You asked

"Well, kind of. There's just a little thing we've been hearing about." Vaggie said

"Y'know when alastor told you about all those other overlords here?" Husk asked

"Yeah? Why? What about them?"

"The thing is..... they want to see you for themselves in the upcoming meeting." Alastor explained

" Alastor explained

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