Sixteen ~ Aurora

148 5 0


Age 18

This little shit. She lied and her pants did not light on fire like I wanted them to. Sitting in front of me are two girls, one who keeps looking at me with shy, curious baby blue eyes, and the other looks about as excited as someone watching paint dry. I know them but I didn't know they'd be here too on our girls night in, as Mia called it. It's a crowd of super attractive girls staring at me like I'm an alien. With my Olaf onesie and fuzzy slippers, I play the part of a little girl sitting amongst adults. Mia literally lives a few doors down from me and I couldn't exactly hide from her after my reluctance in giving her a proper answer every time she asked about having a sleepover. She nearly broke the door down until I relented and let her drag me into her dorm room just after 8PM. I was looking forward to getting in my comfy bed and instead had to quickly pop in my brown contacts before I could let her see me.

And now here I am, sitting in a circle with them vaguely resembling a bunch of witches concocting a potion that'll hopefully make my limbs grow. I keep calling it a dorm when really, these are luxury apartments. Mia's is slightly more lived in compared to mine. You can tell by the choice of her expensive furniture, the little neon sign above her open kitchen that's just an arrow pointing down, the pastel mixture of wallpaper art and the overall vibe in the atmosphere. The rug underneath me is the softest thing I've ever sat on and it really smells nice here. I really like it, not too bad for a busy girl living on her own and keeping her space clean and tidy. Mine resembles a Swedish prison and I'm okay with that. It'll take some time for me to adjust to the idea of living here for three consecutive years. Maybe I'll take some inspiration from Mia and put up some of my favourite quotes on the walls. I don't know about the tidying up part, I don't have that many personal items to scatter around carelessly so I couldn't be messy even if I wanted to.

"Why do you still have the mask on?" Amara, the one bored out of her mind, asks me, blowing a little bubble with her pink bubblegum and popping it. My eye twitches at the obnoxious little sound but I refrain from yanking the gum out of her mouth. She's been doing it for so long. And yes, in hindsight, grabbing my mask instead of proper shoes last minute wasn't exactly the best idea on my part. Mia did shoot an amused glance at me but didn't exactly ask me to remove it or say anything in general. That's what happens when you're not used to rushing out of the door with fellow students, or being approached by people in general. You make a fool out of yourself and start over analysing every little thing. I always knew my anti-social behaviour stemmed from years of isolation, not that it mattered, I preferred it this way now. But sometimes, given how easily I've grown to like Mia's company, I wonder what I was like as a kid and whether I'll ever go back to being that innocent little girl. Highly doubtful. Mia might just be an exception and, not to be hopeful or anything—because god forbid—maybe these two as well. If I don't fuck it up, that is.

"Mara!" Ophelia, the shy one, slaps her arm lightly and pushes her cheeks in with her fingers to get the offensive piece of gum out. A struggle ensues but the gum is finally sitting inside the trash can beside the sofa.

"I'll let that blasphemous behaviour slide because I fucking love you and saw you washing your hands, Lia." Amelia hisses, wiping her mouth with the tops of her shoulders before she pops another piece of gum into her mouth and grins back at an exasperated looking Ophelia.

Amara Miller is an enigma. Quick to ask brazen questions but will shut down like a computer in the blink of an eye. Her personality is like a battle between wanting to be a ray of sunshine or an endless gloomy cloud. I've only seen her a few times around the campus and she's a bit of a chameleon, in an intriguing kind of way. With her short strawberry blonde hair, tan skin and the face of a model, this girl is a Victoria's Secret model in the making. Her personality nearly mirrors mine, especially when she's in her pessimistic mood, like right now. There's just something so unique about her that gives her this edgy vibe without even trying. Plus, she's fucking gorgeous and she knows it. I bet it's those mile long legs she's shaking right now like an energised bunny.

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