Five ~ Aurora

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Age 8

"Uncle No, why's Mama not coming? You promised me she would come. Why isn't she here?" I sniffle, bringing my knees up and resting my chin on them. It has been many, many days since I last saw Mama and he keeps telling me that she'll come soon. I've never gone without her for this long and I don't think I can handle another day without her comforting presence. I miss her so much. I miss Papa, my playdates and him tickling me. I miss my best friend Ian and our daily routine after school that always ended in a crazy adventure and a swift scolding from Mama. I miss Nana and Grandpa. I miss..I miss everything. My lips quiver and before I know it, I'm wailing like a baby. I don't have it in me to be embarrassed about it anymore.

I don't know where I am, only that I'm staying with Uncle Noah and his girlfriend, Aunt Clara, in a tiny apartment with no daylight. It's dark, cold and gloomy. I don't want to stay here any longer, I just want to go home. Everything will be fine when I go home. I think back to when I saw Mama that night, how she had looked at me like she was never going to see me again. My sobs turn into hiccups and I start heaving, body shaking uncontrollably. I can't breathe, it feels like my lungs are collapsing. I need Ian..Ian knows what to do. Ian, where are you?

"Hey..come here. Aurora, breathe..that's it. Breathe, you're doing so well," Uncle Noah gathers me in his arms and pushes my head between my knees, coaxing me to take deep breaths. "That's it..breathe again, good. You're okay, I got you."

My lungs relax, head clearing as I listen to his gentle words but the tears still don't stop. I look up to see his face looking dishevelled with bags under his eyes like he hasn't slept in days. Despite my own turmoil, my heart cracks a little seeing Uncle Noah in this state. Gone is the youthful aura I'm used to, the mischievous man-child I fight with, instead I see a man looking at me with defeat glazing his eyes. His once fiery hazel eyes now a dull green, a mossy forest void of life.

"Please stop crying, you're breaking my heart, kiddo." He murmurs, wiping my cheeks with his thumbs and wrapping his arms around me protectively. I let the tears soak his shirt, his hand patting my back soothingly. "You know I love you, right?"

I nod just as more tears stream down my face at the slight crack in his voice, wrapping my arms around his neck. I have never once doubted his love for me, because I love him too. We always fought like Tom and Jerry but that was just the way our bond worked, I wouldn't have it any other way. "I need you to trust me, okay?"

I nod once again, lifting my head back up. Whatever he sees on my face makes him sigh deeply, throat bobbing and jaw ticking, before he pouts.

"I wanted this to be a surprise but you're crying so much and I can't have that, you're no fun when you're crying like a baby."

I blink my confusion, ignoring the jab to deal with later.

"We're playing a game of hide and seek, your Mama and I. We're hiding from her right now and she hasn't caught us yet."

I frown, sitting up a little straighter. "But..Mama is so bad at playing hide and seek,"

"That's why she's teamed up with your Papa, she doesn't wanna lose to me. Did I tell you that she's a real sore loser? She always has been."

"Oh, no!" I gasp, hands coming up to cover my mouth. "Papa's gonna catch us, he's really good Uncle No!"

It's true. Papa has this weird ability to find me whenever we play hide and seek, no matter where I hide. One time I hid inside the top kitchen cabinet when no one was looking and not only did he find me, he wouldn't let me get down because it was punishment for being reckless. I thought that was the point of playing hide and seek. Clearly, he didn't see it as such.

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