Chapter 4

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Khushi ( POV )

I couldn't sleep a wink last night. I was thinking about our current situation and what will I do about the mate thing that is hanging on my neck ?

Did he not feel anything while I was the one going crazy with all the emotions. We are supposed to go and check on him first and then go to college to get the latest update.

" Let's go , I have studied what he can eat for a week before starting regular food. " said sahara walking with a bag in her hand.

" what is it ? " asked Karishma looking at her bag. " Nothing special it's just baby food with little portion on it. Will give him all the nutrients he needs. " Said Sahara showing her the bag.

Before we could head out we got a notification in our phone. It's a notification from college, it says college museum will be closed for students as the body of the Alpha will be kept their for a month. '

" What just happened? " asked Karishma looking at her phone. " while getting back I told Alpha to help me caste a spell on the body...for next few months no one can touch the body without getting hurt. " said Sahara and she didn't mentioned it last night.

" let's not discuss anything here let's
go. " said sahara and we hurried our pace.

" Khushi you were the one who wanted to see that he is here look at you walking like a snail...let's go. " said Sahara. But I don't know if I want to meet with the him anymore.

We reached edwins house in no time. As snow ranged the bell. Aditya let us in by opening the door. He looks exhausted, tired. Looks like someone didn't sleep a bit.

" why you look dead ? " I commented looking at Aditya. " Didn't sleep a wink last night....way too tired. " he said and well I understand his condition.

I walked in with Sahara leaving Karishma to have her little moment with her mate. I know what I am going to face and I am not thrilled.

As I walked in I saw him sitting with a laptop in his hand. Samrat showing him something and he looks quite interested. I can see two future bestfriends sitting together.

Totally absorbed by the screen. The person whom I idolized for finally here and looks at me...walking dead around him.

" Hey! good morning " wished Sahara to them and they both looked up from the screen. " So what are we doing today? " she asked them.

" I was showing Arnav how things work here and currently buying him a phone. " Said samrat...his parents have lots of money so it's okay.

" Food is here....let's feed Samrat. " Said Sahara , she has brought the food bag with her. She took a bowl and started pouring the baby food in it.

" Has anyone read today's announcement? what happened? " asked Aditya still reading the announcement on his phone.

" It's my  little secret...when we were getting out I told Alpha Arnav to curse the if anyone wants to take or examine the body...they will get an electric shock. Which will buy us sometimes to think about what to do in future. " Said Sahara while mixing portions with the food.

" They will not doubt what went wrong ? Why did all of a sudden the body start reacting? " asked samrat , even though I am worried about that. I am sure snow can handle it.

" In ancient time it has been seen if you keep an Alpha's body in blue moon night. It absorbs the energy and reacts like that so no one is going to doubt us. " sahara said and I feel relieved . Must say she is really intelligent.

" Why bunch of you college students wanted to revive me ? Do you want anything from me ? Was there any motive behind it ? " asked Arnav looking puzzled.

" yes that we can steal your power and be the richest person in  the world. " said samrat and Arnav playfully punched his hand .

" No seriously...why ? " asked Arnav . " we were their to see you.... Khushi wanted to see you before your body got transferred from here ...we didn't plan on reviving you...never. " said Karishma and Arnavs eyes fell on me.

Like for the first time he has noticed me. He frowned and asked " why ? Why such have pulled your friends in trouble for that. "  I am not saying he is wrong. No he isn't but ...his voice is harsh and face cold.

I usually am very tough and can answer people like they asked the question but here I became silent. I didn't know what to say. His voice hurted my soul. As a mate I didn't receive any love and now I am getting hard words.

" That got you out of death bed ...and for your kind information...she has always done silly things for us and procted us when needed so if we had to do something like this again for her we will. " Said Aditya and I am soo glad to have friends like that.

" Now enough try it . " Said Sahara handing him the bowl of food . He tasted the food and he seems to like it. And that's a good progress. He eats without any words.

" Now let me check ....yes your oxygen level is good . " she said after examining him. " Now look at my finger. "  said Sahara holding one finger in front of him. He came little forward and tilted his head a little to look.

" oh my.." said Sahara with a blushing face and than she said " Your eyes are fine. " So our Sahara is a little flirty in our group , which is always cute but for some reason it's bothering me today.

" Are they ? What else should be fine. And what do you suggest to check them ? " asked Arnav and let us all leave them alone. When you find your mate you go crazy possisive for them...I thought it was a myth but no it's true.

Sahara is my good friend , she makes jokes and is true to her mate but today she is getting on my nerves.

" I have an examination examine your body , ears , eyes and teeth to ensure that everything is working fine. " said Sahara pulling out a small square thing from her bag.

" Your lord must be very happy to have such a learned vampire in his group. " said Arnav to her and she blushed again .

" stop let's do the check up and buy clothes and other things for you. " She said in a happy mood.

I am feeling like a third wheel here . I grabbed my keys and said " Guys I forgot to inform I have a library date today I am leaving. " I told and left without waiting for their answers.

I got out of the door. I could hear Aditya taking my name and before anything he was already blocking my road ..some vampire speed.

" Hey ! don't be sad....things may work out. I know you don't have a date . " He said but I know it will never work out.

" I do now....let me go..." I told and ignored him and than he said something which stopped me in my track. " I know you're his mate. "

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