Chapter 7

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Khushi ( POV )

" Okay , hold still and let me do the magic. " Said Sahara. When it comes to black magic or stuff like that we can trust her with closed eyes.

" This may hurt a little. " She said and waved her hands like she was making a lotus in the air. Her hands moved gracefully and then she blew towards Arnav.

Arnav who was standing sat down holding his face , my wolf Maya almost jumped inside me to break sahara's neck . But I stopped her.

' Girl she is here to help , calm down. ' I told her. ' she hurt mate , maya not happen ' she said , well she still has to understand that Arnav is not our mate.

" My face is burning...what is it? " asked Arnav to Sahara. " Do you think you did any wrong magic? you know got confused with few words ...said wrong lines... " asked Karishma to her.

" No , it burns a little but it will be fine. We all know beauty is pain . " She said but I don't see any changes in Arnav's face. " What changed ? Is it me ...or his face didn't change at all ?  " asked samrat to her.

" For us his face will remain the same but others will not recognise him. This spell will stay for two months. " Said Sahara is very proud of her.  work.

" Any chance your spell was wrong ? " asked Aditya to her. " Nope , my spells can never be wrong. " She said with a very proud smile. " Well , than how do you know that the spell worked? " Samrat asked her.

" If their is a tiny rose symbol in his hand that means the spell has worked. " Said Sahara. Arnav checked his hand and surely the rose was their.

" Since we are done here , let's go. " I told them. Arnav will be coming to college with us from today. we all live nearby the college so we don't need to take any transport we can just walk their. Arnav kept looking around , every little things surprised him. 

" So I did paper works so that he can be with me see you at lunch. " said samrat and together . Looks like Arnav is getting along with samrat that's nice. 


" I am hungry " said sahara sitting on the table with her food tray. " Like I said things coming in packets smells really bad. " she said putting her fake blood drink on the table. " Atleast you have something to eat , be grateful for you have . " she sahara to her. 

" yes mom " said karishma rolling her eyes. " I am so done with it...I am going hunting tonight. " said Aditya sitting with us. " All you can do is ran in our practice ground , nothing more than that. " said samrat as he walked over with Arnav. 

" Are you challenging me ? " asked Aditya to him. " That jungle isn't our college property , Mr Hills property , you can't go in their man. " samrat reminded him. " And why can't he go into that property ? " asked Arnav. 

" Well , Mr Hills hates vampires and has everything to stop a vampire from hunting . " said samrat to them. " He is so confident that he even declared that if any vampire , using any power could hunt from their he will hand those people the crystal ball he got from a snake queen. " karishma added to that discussion. 

" Is he a werewolf ? " asked Arnav while eating his salad . He is eating solids , but nothing over dressed...just plain salt and vegetable oil stuff. His body is working after a long time and I think its better to be cautious. " No , but why would you ask that ? " I asked him. 

" Well , in my times the enmity was strong ...but things have changed , I can see that and I thinks that's for better. " he commented. " He has casted an unbreakable lock around the forest , so if anyone tries to get in..he knows. " said sahara. 

" He sounds like a grumpy uncle. " commented Arnav. " Oh ! he is grumpy for sure , ex teacher of our college . " said Aditya while making faces. " Ex teacher...what happened ? He got retired ? " asked Arnav all confused. " well , not really ...he was fond of dark magic , our college thought him as threat ...trouble mostly and fired him. " replied karishma to him.

" He got really angry about it and said no one in magic college was qualified enough to teach like he taught. And if any student can hunt on his land than he will know that magic college has it in one passed. " narrated sahara with details. 

" You guys never tried to get in their ? " asked Arnav. " No, Mr Hills is very powerful , we can't do it..." I told him. " You guys broke into the highest security system , made a dead guy alive and you can't hunt on a forest next door..." asked Arnav to us. well , that kind of makes sense. 

" You said that was stupid of us. " I reminded him his words. " I did but you actually did the impossible work for nothing. And here you have chance to prove yourself , get something good , earn little name and you don't want to. " said Arnav. 

" What you want us to do ? " asked samrat to him. " Lets go take Adi to hunt in Mr Hills forest , on sunday which is five days from now. " said Arnav. " That's insane ..." commented samrat. " You can do what khushi says and not what your best friend wants.." and here Arnav bestmailed [ best friend + blackmail ]  samrat . 

" you guys became best friends " asked Arnav to him. " I may sound crazy but it felt like we were best friends in some story or life it makes sense if we become best friends again. " said samrat and well can't argue with him . 

" Come on guys I thought you guys were daring. " said Arnav trying to make us worked. " We are daring know what lets do it. Lets hunt on Mr Hills forest. " said samrat. " we need a plan ...I will grab some maps. " said Karishma and left. 

" I need few articles on Mr Hills power and few books on other things...Adi get some ropes , boats and few portions....come with me. " she said and took Adi with her. Samrat got up and left to get more info about the forest . So now its just me and him. 

" Why you want to go in Mr Hills forest so bad ? " I asked him. " I know a certain root hidden in the dark forests can break the mate bond, so we will go get it. The crystal balls are very powerful , it may help me find my luna. " he said and I nodded. He had everything well planned out. well lets see what happens next. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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